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2025/03/05 12:29 (-1.5 Charnay) @2.450 8/10

It's just unbelievable how well Charnay plays away games. Last 3 away games: Peru vs Lattes in overtime. Loss against Landes in 2 overtimes, and loss against Roche also in 2 overtimes. Maybe it's worth betting on another overtime? With odds of 15? But maybe I won't risk it, the series of overtimes could end quickly. Carol has been struggling at home lately. They lost against Lille, had a hard time against Chartres, and barely won against Tarbes in the cup with only 1 point, even though Tarbes played with an incomplete team and dominated the whole game. Charnay can seize a good momentum, and with Carol emotionally drained after reaching the cup final.

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  • Units 39.90
  • ROI 0.45%
  • W% 52.14%

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  • Total picks: 1283
  • Units won: 8980.90
  • W-L-T : 659-605-19
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 6.97
  • Staked units: 8941.00
  • Avg. Odds: 1.952

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