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2025/03/05 20:34 Osaka N. (-2.5) @1.400 8/10

Indian Wells... one of the rising stars of Colombian tennis - Kamila O. (23 years old), versatile, maintaining her level, able to challenge any opponent. But... her opponent today is the world's tennis phenomenon, ambitious and titled Naomi O. (27 years old) from Japan. The latter has returned this year to the highest level of the game, mentally strong, although she did show some flaws in Australia (leading 5-2, lost the set 6-7, then didn't want to continue, supposedly retired). Naomi is in good form, with her game strategy and today, in a top-level tournament (this is her element), she will be carefully assessing her opponent and should make it challenging for Kamila.

  • Voted: 3
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  • Units -253.02
  • ROI -0.95%
  • W% 62.20%

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