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2025/03/06 07:16 (Partizan) @1.510 8/10

The Partisan is showing decent form, although they have a bit of a loss streak, this will be a great opportunity to bounce back, they have more impact than the Chimera. They have performed well against top tier teams. Overall, they are a fairly new team, but with players like Dragon, who have a lot of impact, they have the potential to rise further.

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Thanks: 7

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  • Units -179.93
  • ROI -7.15%
  • W% 46.10%

Last 10 picks:

  • Total picks: 298
  • Units won: 2359.07
  • W-L-T : 136-159-3
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.52
  • Staked units: 2539.00
  • Avg. Odds: 2.102

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