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2025/03/09 12:59 Toronto Ultra (3-0) @3.750 4/10

Optic has reached an absolute low, the team doesn't even play close to their champion level, Pred's return only worsened the situation because the player still doesn't seem to be performing normally after a long break, kenny's skill drop also doesn't help, the lightest player in the entire league at the moment, one shotzzy can't even pull off a clutch and dashy's stability is gone, the team is struggling and it's evident in their 0-12 score so far in the major 2 qualifiers, and an overall 0-15 run (excluding the falcons series)... the team is shattered and I can't imagine what could have changed overnight for them to resist.
It's worth a 3-0 throw with such odds, since they have lost 5 series in a row against actual teams, and Ultra is realistically in the top 4.

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  • Units 19.91
  • ROI 8.19%
  • W% 50.00%

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