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2025/03/09 13:38 (Žalgiris win ir Francisco score 11 ar over) @3.000 7/10

Taking on a simple Zalgiris matchup has absolutely no value, even though Zalgiris is somewhat of a favorite, the matches in Vilnius are usually more of a 50/50 chance, but this combination option seems interesting. Zalgiris' matchup is often correlated with Francisco's good game, even too often. So if it is believed that the greens will finally take Rytas Vilnius today, one can expect Sylvain to also contribute, even without much noise. His 11 points for the current Zalgiris, where he has the reins in his hands, don't seem like much. It was very troublesome for him to play in Baskonia when the opponents had a center like Hall, who caused havoc in the paint, but Rytas doesn't have anything defensive after the draft.

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