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2025/03/10 08:18 NaVi @1.710 8/10

NaVi doesn't show a better gameplay, but at the same time the opponents haven't been the strongest so far. Today will be a great opportunity to show their true face. If a loss is experienced, there will definitely be something to worry about. Looking at G2, I didn't really understand how they were able to win 11-2 on Dust2 and then lose to TheMongolz, and then lose the third map as well. Although they won 2-0 against SAW yesterday, it doesn't show much. There are definitely problems within the team, as they win many rounds as T, since m0NESY and malbsd are playing well. NaVi usually picked Peru against G2 when the team had Niko, I don't see why they can't win now that Niko is no longer there.

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