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2025/03/11 21:14 Messitas (-5.5 2nd map) @175 10/10

BB is the weakest team in history on which one could wager for over 10 years of playing CS. It consists of 3-4 level players and one decent AWPer who can hit headshots. Despite having all 10+ and plenty of experience, they struggle against other teams. However, as a team, they are considerably stronger and even more so in terms of skill. Against all odds, BB barely manages to win 1-2 rounds in the league. Even if they were to have both pistols, they would still lose and possibly go -9.5. This is a guaranteed free bet.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units 12.91
  • ROI 4.82%
  • W% 48.48%

Last 10 picks:

  • Total picks: 34
  • Units won: 290.91
  • W-L-T : 16-17-1
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.18
  • Staked units: 278.00
  • Avg. Odds: 129.1

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