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2025/03/11 21:19 Messitas (-11.5 match handicap) @-125 10/10

The BB team was the most successful team in history, on which I've been betting for over 10 years in CS. They have 3-4 level players and one decent Elenzz player who is able to hit headshots. They have all 10+ players and a lot of experience, although they struggle against other teams, their teamwork is significantly stronger and their skills are even more so. Against other teams, BB gets an incredible score and barely loses 1-2 rounds in the league. Even if they both get pistols, all matches will most likely have a -9.5 spread in favor of BB. For the series, the handicap is -11.5.

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  • Units 12.91
  • ROI 4.82%
  • W% 48.48%

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  • W-L-T : 16-17-1
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.18
  • Staked units: 278.00
  • Avg. Odds: 129.1

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