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2025/03/15 08:10 (Under 62.5 CB Estudiantes) @1.850 8/10

In the last two games, Estudiantes have been playing poorly with El Salvador (4-10 minutes). They seem to have some problems. So far, they have been the most productive with 14.6 points in almost 30 minutes. Despite her lack of contribution, the team managed to defeat Peru and Gran Canaria and Jairis, which was quite unexpected. Now, playing away against Valencia will be much harder. Especially since Estudiantes does not perform well away from home, and coming off a loss against Euskotren at home this week, they should be motivated. (At least that's what the coach says). Valencia, on the other hand, defends well at home: 43 against Ardoi, 49 against Gernika, 55 against Araski. This season, Estudiantes have not scored such a high total against league leaders: 55 against Avenida, 62 against Girona, 60 against Jairis, 54 against Ferrol. In the last 8 games against each other, Estudiantes have only scored this many points against Valencia once.

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