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2025/03/15 08:17 (-2.5 Rytas) @1.700 8/10

Although the performance of BCL may have been disappointing, it is possible to be more bold now, because there must be some sporting anger among the basketball players.

Lietkabelis, although they may improve the game, are not serious opponents for today, because they lack stability. Of course, after such matches, Rytas also has periods of doubt, but again Rytas should play with almost a full squad today, not counting Azuolas, possibly Gudaitis will join, because from what I see in the photos, he trained with contact, and Margiris, which are just bonuses for Rytas. After such strong defeats in BCL, Rytas often showed their anger by playing in LKL, of course I am not suggesting to dive in head first, but I am confident in the over under and will bet twice as much as usual.

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