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2025/03/16 12:27 Apogee (-7.5 hc serijos) @1.900 10/10


The Wildlotus trick is not a team, the washed bots have gathered with the bfs igl, it can be said that it is a mix of benched players that no one wants. They show absolutely no results, tilt very quickly if things aren't going well, and don't even have the basic fundamentals of a team. They often play however they want and try to make hero plays. On the other side, there's the on fire apogee - a young and talented team with a lot of motivation, which recently qualified for a PGL LAN event against strong T2-T3 teams.

  • Voted: 1
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  • Units 22.41
  • ROI 7.57%
  • W% 50.00%

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  • Units won: 328.41
  • W-L-T : 18-18-1
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.27
  • Staked units: 306.00
  • Avg. Odds: 2.263

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