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2025/03/17 20:40 (Under 169.5) @2.050 8/10

The Paris team seems to be sitting morally and I think there could be problems against the Milan team, which currently looks a bit better although they don't have their full roster.

For Olimpia to win, they must not allow the opponents to play at a fast pace, which they are very good at with their fast attacks and slowing down the tempo. In positional basketball, Milan is definitely superior and has a chance to take a difficult win on the road, it all depends on them. Paris got tired in the semifinals against JL Bourg, where Shortsas played for a significant amount of time, despite attempts to rotate as much as possible, but still close to 25-30 minutes for the leaders, which again tires the players out, while Milan also had a tough game against Brescia, but they rested Mirotic.

All in all, I think Milan will break the pace with physicality and positional basketball, which should be their key to success, that's why I choose the under.

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