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2025/03/18 08:42 (Rytas Draw no Bet over nei 10 points skirtumu ir Gytis Radzevičius score 10 ar over points) @3.500 7/10

Perfect offer for a basketball fan who wants to watch these crucial finals with minimal risk. As we know, for Rytas this is a do or die match, in which only a win against Peru can guarantee their spot in the next stage. And it doesn't seem like Galatasaray can win by a double-digit margin, as they lost by 20 points yesterday. Speaking of Radzevičius, he is the only stable player we can trust, with an average of 13 points per game and even scoring 16 against Galatasaray. To counter them tomorrow, his contribution will be crucial, so I believe he will at least score 10 points. Good luck!

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