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2025/03/18 14:15 (-6.5 Galatasaray) @2.000 8/10

Galatasaray at home and away is like day and night. Winning against Unicaja, the Turks saved their season and now have a great opportunity to secure a spot in the TOP 8. Meanwhile, Rytas fell into a pit at the wrong time, faced a wave of injuries and player illnesses. Tragic games last week, followed by a loss to Lietkabelis. Considering Rytas' performance on away games, there is no confidence. I am expecting Galatasaray to win by a double-digit margin.

  • Voted: 7
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  • Units -370.81
  • ROI -7.10%
  • W% 50.78%

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  • Avg. Odds: 1.882

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