The pressure is nonstop for the Rats players, so many eyes watching, so many fans supporting, but for now it's not working out, everyone expected them to dominate this master's tournament, but so far there is no sign of a stable/decent game from them, in the first series they were almost defeated by the Nightbirds, and later on there was self-doubt and a 10k gold throw against KCB which resulted in a 2-0 series loss. Of course, I still think the Rats will win 2-0, but based on their gameplay it doesn't seem like it will be a clean win, they will probably struggle in the early game, make some random mistakes, but they will make a comeback with mid-game teamfight wins, however the scores will be close, as in all their games, even though they dominate their opponents, they often fall behind in kills due to their aggressive playstyle.
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