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2025/03/20 09:28 Norway W (+1.5) @-161 8/10

Curling World Championship for Women, tournament in South Korea. This championship was very unsuccessful for both of our teams, as American women lost to Denmark, Scotland, China, and Canada, and only managed to win against Peru before facing Sweden. Norway, on the other hand, defeated Canada, Switzerland, and Denmark, but managed to beat China with a close margin and also our own girls. The American team, lacking enthusiasm and not considering that they beat Norway last year (7-5), may face a serious challenge from Norway in this tournament.

  • Voted: 0
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  • Units -326.62
  • ROI -1.21%
  • W% 62.05%

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  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.10
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  • Avg. Odds: -161

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