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2025/03/22 06:47 Liquid (2:0) @2.160 8/10

If Liquid wins, they usually do it 2:0. Liquid has a similar problem to G2 - they win against lower level opponents, but can't seem to win against higher quality teams. Their recent losses were 0:2 against EG, Vitality and EG, while they won 2:1 against 3DMAX, 2:0 against EG, FURIA, MOUZ, Wildcard, and Complexity. Imperial played well against G2, but still lost. Today, I expect the same - close 13:11 13:11 results.

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  • Units -372.71
  • ROI -7.04%
  • W% 50.69%

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  • W-L-T : 331-322-9
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.11
  • Staked units: 5369.00
  • Avg. Odds: 1.886

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