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2025/03/24 06:04 TheMongolz (-4.5) @105 8/10

G2 won against M80 yesterday, but it wasn't an easy game once again. As usual, they win 2:0 against weaker opponents, but lose against stronger ones. Today's match is for third place in the group and a spot in the playoffs. Since the match is on TheMongolz's home turf, I consider them the favorites. After an impressive comeback on Dust2, the Mongolians have already beaten G2 once before, and I believe they can do it again. G2 doesn't instill much confidence in me, so I will continue to bet against them until they face higher level teams. I am taking a risk with the round handicap as the odds for a win by Peru seem quite low.

  • Voted: 2
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  • Units -328.71
  • ROI -6.10%
  • W% 51.13%

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  • W-L-T : 340-325-9
  • Avg.Stake of Units: 8.11
  • Staked units: 5465.00
  • Avg. Odds: -113

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