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Pinnacle Sportsbook has been around since 1998 but these folks have made it a point to keep pushing the limits to discover the best practices as an operator to offer the best services in the industry. They promise the best odds and the highest betting limits for every market they offer on their sportsbook and they support this claim because of their unique model of high volume-low margin that helps them make betting so fair. They are completely licensed and regulated by the gambling commission of the Government of Curacao known for backing some of the most recognized e-Gaming organizations around. Their betting odds are definitely better than the industry average and the Pinnacle bunch makes it a point to offer odds than cannot even be matched by competitors.


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Bonus and Special Promotions:

Their welcome bonus by itself is a great place to start. They offer 10% of the first deposit as a welcome bonus to the tune of $500, no less. Their popular bet of the day section is known to offer enhancing pricing that favors its clientele and sometimes, markets can even boast of a price as low as 101%. With no commissions and a chance for arbitrage betting here, Pinnacle sure knows how to rope in any seasoned player. They also great options like dynamic lines to know which way bets are moving and offer articles that augment the chances of a better by informing them about how to beat the system. The Pinnacle sportsbook is known for their free bets and bookmaker bonuses that any sharp and serious better can recognize as one of the best around in the industry. Now pair this with the fact they have the lowest prices and you have a seriously good bookmaker that is focused on offering the best services to punters.

Sports Betting Coverage:

In addition to the popular markets of NFL, MLB, UEFA and NHL, they boast great coverage across all the sporting events and their opportunities are extended across different formats and regulations of most sports. Other sports involved here include soccer, mixed martial arts, cricket, hockey, golf, football, rugby, baseball, cycling, e-sports, boxing, handball, volleyball, tennis and table tennis. Within these sporting events that are on offer here at the Pinnacle sportsbook they make it a point to offer a great diversity of betting opportunities that are offered across both decibel and fractional odds.

Sports Betting Types:

The Pinnacle  sportsbook is powered by a customized version of the ASI-SBR software that is tweaked to be simple and efficient. Some punters might insist Pinnacle misses the dazzle of other interfaces but these guys have been A+ in internet portal rankings because they give more importance to their services. They have a large number of bet selections in both singles and multiple bets and some of these include parlays, handicaps (including Asian) and live betting that of course touts the best margins in the market.

Payment Options:

Servicing the betting needs of customers over 100 countries, they make it a point to let this reflect in their payment options. They allow transactions in over 18 currencies and have a great variety of payment options to deal from. These include bank wire transfers, credit cards, cashiers check and e-cheques and a number of e-wallets among others. Because they are used to dealing with serious players, they are used to a huge volume of payout transactions and so only allow one free payout per month. To this end, any extra transaction is charged a fee of $15 or so. Withdrawals to credit cards aren’t supported anymore at Pinnacle .

Customer Services:

Their help section and FAQs and glossaries are great tools to get most queries cleared but in case a punter needs some redressal done, they also have a dedicated support staff around 24 hours a day, each day of the week that can be reached via email and telephone.


With the sharpest pencils in most popular markets, the most competitive odds and the lowest margins with great bonuses, Pinnacle  sportsbook is one of the best bookmakers around for any discerning better.

Open Pinnacle

Korneeva A. - Timofeeva M.

matas 09/08 16:30 8 hours ago
Korneeva A. @1.810 8/10
Korneeva A. - labai talentinka jauna rusaite, kuri del traumos buvo nelosus over nei pusmeti, dar vel zenge i trasa ir atrodo ne siaip sau pasivaiksciot , nes kiek man paciam netiketai, vakar net Cuba padare 12 ACE, nors seniau to dalyko servuojant pas ja buvau nepastebejes, pasizymedavo kaip gera receivere.
Timofeeva M. atvirksciai po AO atrodo visiskai uzgesus, praktiskai beveik viska pralosia, 02.24 buvo nebaigus maco su Stakusic, gal del traumos pralosineja.
Bet kokiu atveju both jaunos rusaites, turetu buti kova, nes nenores nei viena pralost, taciau tikiu, kad dar Korneeva pilna energijos At least onem ar dviem papildomiems stagems.
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Over (3.5) @2.290 10/10
Moterų u20. both teams jau kitam etape, šiandien spręsis tik kas bus pirmos. Kol kas šiame turnyre korėjietės atrodo nesustabdomai, ypač puolimas, kuris sumušė net 15 goals per dvi rungtynes. Sakytum varžovės buvo visiškai silpnos, bet tos pačios Argentina ar Kosta-Rikos atstovės davė gerą kovą olandėm. Tiesiog pačių Azijos atstovių žaidimas yra labai gerai sustatytas, techniškas, protingas, geras kamuolio judėjimas, pozicionavimas, tokia mini tiki-taka, kurios nebūtų gėda net parodyt per nacionalinę, tik gėrį rodančią, KLDR TV. Olandėm bus baisiai sunku, jei puolimas veikia neblogai ir pilnai tikiu kas jos turi pakankamai talento bent jau scoret šiandien, tai gynyboj jos atrodo labai pažeidžiamos - 3 įvarčiai praleisti įvarčiai prieš Argentina ir tik didelės sėkmės dėka nepraleista prie Kosta-Riką nenuteikia pozityviai prieš kol kas didžiausią čempo egzaminą. Žodžiu, manau dominuos ataka ir turėtų būt golų
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Over (3.5) @2.220 10/10
Moterų u20. Paskutinis turas grupėj. Na čia situacija tokia, kad Argentina reikia laimėt kad patekt į kitą etapą, o va Kosta-Rikai irgi laimėt, bet bent 4 įvarčiais ir tikėtis palankaus rezo kitoj grupėj. Atrodo misija neįmanoma, bet tiesiog nėra ko beprarast. Vien tai turėtų gerokai atvert rungtynes. Kitas dalykas, kad ir pačios teams yra orientuotos į ataką ir silpnos gynyboj, todėl net nesant tokiai situacija, galima būtų buvę tikėtis atviro futbolo ir goals
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Norway - Austria

nistelrooyus 09/09 18:45 in 17 hours
(Over 2.5) @1.862 10/10
Jau matėme Europos čempionate kokį smagų futbolą žaidžia Austria. R. Ragnick taiko labai aukštą spaudimą, kuris arba duoda daug Peru kamuolių pavojingose zonose arba varžovams leidžia pabėgti į kontratakas. Na o norvegams toks puolėjas iš Manchester city gerą dieną vienas pats gali pramušti šitą totalą.
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Netherlands - Germany

Mindozas 09/10 18:45 in 1 days
(Over 3) @2.120 10/10
Dvi atakuojančio tipo teams, du puikūs puolimai ir both teams ateina į šias rungtynes puikios formos, ką tik sumušusios po 5 įvarius ne pačiom silpniausiom varžovėm. Tiesa, gynybos pas both pasirodė ne idealiai ir nors vokiečiai nepraleido, bet čia labiau vengrų dėka, kurie tuo nepasinaudojo, Netherlands manau nebus tokie gailestingi. Plius, dešimtmečius trunkanti priešprieša visad teams stumia link Peru ir draw ne variantas. Manau turėtų būt smagus futbolo reginys ir bent trys įvarčiai tokiom komandom neatrodo labai daug
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