crazzvette wrote:
This doen't really seem that much of a big deal but for the most part , it should be clearified to most other people . be active and stay active and get free poker games for life . no more freeloaders and one night stands . in order to play , you have to pay . look forward to seeing you all at the tables soon , weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee till then , lol .
We dont require much from our members but it seems we need to adapt ones again to how things are working.
This is just a heads up to those that got promoted in the beginning and not even visiting ixgames forum or just posting their screen names over and over again.
For those actually posting and trying to be active nothing is changing.
Again we dont require much but getting included in the restricted freerolls should be a privilege. Not doing anything is pretty much the same as coming here to see the password for tonights game and then leave when they have access. Then we are back at square number one.
For those of you playing and visiting the forum ones in a while will soon start seeing less players in the restricted tournaments. This means more money for those attending.
Oh and one other thing, being removed from a poker freeroll list doesn't mean you are removed for life.
Thanks ixgames