Great game today. A lot better without all the sitters. I actually have to play poker from hand one. LOL. Congrats to all ITM. Thanks for the split UnknownPoker. You played an excellent game. X
Great game today. A lot better without all the sitters. I actually have to play poker from hand one. LOL. Congrats to all ITM. Thanks for the split UnknownPoker. You played an excellent game. X
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Kudos to the cashers! Way to go, y'all! Wish I coulda been there. . . :thumbsup[/FONT]
tallseas wrote:
Congrats all ITM. Was not able to play this one but hope to see ya'll next week.
Gratz xchic and unknown! :thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup
well played... to bad i had to go when we were down to last 6...
it was a great game tho and hope to see you at the tables again.
gheecko wrote:
Gratz xchic and unknown! :thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup
well played... to bad i had to go when we were down to last 6...
it was a great game tho and hope to see you at the tables again.
Great game today. A lot better without all the sitters. I actually have to play poker from hand one. LOL. Congrats to all ITM. Thanks for the split UnknownPoker. You played an excellent game. X
Good Job XPokerChic! You really have to be good to place ITM now. Hope to catch you soon!