2010/03/01 11:44
darkseed wrote:
I've been playing online poker for about seven years, and over that time i've noticed an unusual and somewhat disturbing trend in the table chat. It seems to me that i get accused of being gay (homosexual) unusually often. It's at least three times a week and usually when i'm winning. Don't get me wrong, i have no problem being called gay. I have many gay friends and they are wonderful people. It's just that i fail to see the connection between poker and sexual identity. I've come up with a few theories explaining the reason why so many online poker players are so quick to call one another gay, but i'd like to hear the thoughts of the ixgames membership on this subject. has anyone else noticed this trend? If so, what is the deal with it? I guess i am just amazed at how quickly "gay jokes" come up when a player is upset, on tilt, or otherwise commenting on play. Also, i think it's hilarious that so many online players think it's an INSULT to call someone "gay". i mean, if i were gay, i wouldn't be offended, and since i'm not, i'm still not offended. It's so often and so pervasive in my own experience that i'm thinking of doing a study and tracking it. In any case, i'm interested to hear your thoughts.