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European Union law has been generally disregarded by many countries including the US in recent years when it comes to online gambling laws. The countries have either placed full bans on the activity, or have allowed for monopolies to exist.

This year, however, several countries have started to take steps to come into compliance with EU law, and Greece became the latest to do so on Wednesday. Lawmakers claimed on Wednesday that online gambling regulations would be coming in early 2011, bringing the country into compliance with EU agreements that are currently in place.

Greece will not be stopping at online gambling. The country also plans to lift a ban on low stakes slot machines. The machines had been banned since 2002, but OPAP, the monopoly in betting, and slots in casinos were exempt from the ban. That led to heavy fines for violating EU law.

While Greece is opening their gambling market, other countries are attempting to close theirs. Portugal recently won the right to enact a gambling ban from the European Commission on the grounds that the ban was needed to curb violent crimes. Cyprus has asked the Commission to make a similar ruling, but that decision will not come until March.

The US, meanwhile, remains the largest online gambling market in the world despite the government's attempt at prohibition. Millions of online poker players exist in the US, and while Conservatives are in favor of keeping the prohibition in place, many Liberals are fighting to have the current laws changed.

In Greece, a Gambling Supervision Commission will be created and will be in charge of regulating the gaming industry. Part of the reason the ban is being lifted is the projected $1.3 billion in tax revenue the government will receive in the next three years. Sports betting is not included in the new laws, and currently OPAP has a monopoly on sports betting with a deal in place until 2020.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Do you remember that scene from the Sex and the City movie a couple of years back where Samantha attempts to impress her boyfriend Smith Jerrod on Valentine’s Day by displaying sushi all over her naked body? Well, it seems that the trend has made it to Las Vegas thanks to the Naked Sushi Entertainment catering company out of Los Angeles who is now providing private parties with naked models who have strategically placed sushi bits.

According to the Las Vegas Weekly, manager Diem Nguyen claims that “Guys get so nervous. I’ve had them drop their chopsticks on me because their hands were shaking so much.”

The women that perform this ‘art’ are obviously incredibly comfortable with their bodies so if they are comfortable then guests should be as well. Keep in mind that the model’s private areas are covered with a napkin or doily so that there is no direct contact with the sushi and therefore keeping the experience sanitary.

The idea actually comes from a Japanese tradition called Nyotaimori (female body presentation), a practice that isn’t necessarily fully accepted in Japan and is actually publicly banned due to health reasons. Banned or not, it’s still a popular form of expression in certain circles which has now made its way to the western world.

For those looking for a model their sushi model rates start at $150 and go up to $375 for one hour, not a bad gig. Other services offered by Naked Sushi Entertainment include providing body painted models, celebrity models, life casting and performers.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Back in 2007, Mel Gibson fled from Hollywood hoping to have a little peace and quiet in his new 500-acre beachfront property on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica but after all the recent trouble he’s gotten himself into there’s just no hiding from the paparazzi.

Mel should really know better by now, the paparazzi don’t sleep and will travel high and low for the perfect shot. "He bought it for a getaway. Now he goes there and paparazzi follow him," says listing agent Sandra Miller of brokerage Engel & Volkers.

2010 has been a really tough year for Gibson who was involved in a media shitstorm after his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, charged him with assault and publicized taped recordings of one of the many offensive rants he shared with her.

It’s been downhill ever since for Gibson who was dropped by his agent as well as from a cameo appearance in “The Hangover 2”. His next move in Hollywood will be the release of “The Beaver”, a movie directed by his good friend Jodie Foster, and tells the story of a depressed man who uses a beaver puppet to communicate (Hmmm….yeah.) The problem with this movie, apart from the title, is if moviegoers will be able to separate his acting from his personal troubles, especially after managing to offend Jews, women and the gay community.

You now understand why he needed the Costa Rican compound but unfortunately it’s just not paparazzi-proof. According to Yahoo, the seven-acre property which is known as Hacienda Dorada, includes a seven bedroom house along with two other homes that come equipped with their own swimming pools.

I wonder if it’s really the paparazzi that are moving him out of Costa Rica or if it’s just his massive lawyer fees are draining the guy. Google “Mel Gibson lawsuits” and you’ll see what I mean. Well, now that Mel is making his way out of Costa Rica, it looks like he’ll make way for Steven Seagal who’s looking to give the Costa Rican government tips on how to train their police force.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The calls to the state's problem gamblers help line are always a little sadder this time of year, says the director of a support group for problem gamblers.

"We have taken calls where the gamblers have stolen others' wrapped gifts from under the tree and then returned them to the store for cash," said Steve Burton, director of the Problem Gamblers Help Network of West Virginia.

In recent years, the network has seen more calls during December. Burton said that over the holiday season, it's more common to see people realize they have a gambling addiction.

Christmas and New Year's often bring feelings of depression and anxiety, causing gamblers to increase their bad habits -- and in some cases, realize they need help.

"Our counselors hear time and time again about how those with a gambling problem chase their losses by betting more and more money and then having no cash left to buy holiday gifts." he said.

When a crisis occurs and the gambler realizes he has a problem, that's the best time to get help, Burton said.

When someone calls the help line we've got to get them scheduled with a counselor within 72 hours," he said. "Once the crisis is over, they feel the situation is resolved regardless of where they stand."

The help network received more than 20 calls during the first week of December, Burton said in a news release this week. He said too many lost bets are simply considered the cost of entertainment, and warned those at risk to look for signs their gambling is no longer recreational but out of control.

According to the help line's annual report, 1,036 people called seeking help in 2009, a 12 percent increase from 2008. Fifty-seven percent of problem gamblers who called were female -- in other states, the majority of callers are male, the report notes. Most callers were between the ages of 36 to 55 years old.

The report also shows that the most frequent form of problem gambling, reported by 72 percent of callers, were from neighborhood slots at bars, clubs and restaurants.

The National Council on Problem Gambling estimates 2 to 3 percent of Americans are addicted to gambling and are at higher risk for financial woes, family problems and suicide, according to the news release.

"So far this month we've taken numerous calls on our help line from family members who have finally caught on. ... It is often discovered when the problem gambler, who has spent all the money set aside for the children's Christmas presents, realizes he or she now has nothing to put under the tree," Burton said.

Callers to the 1-800-GAMBLER help line are given a free initial counseling and assessment session. For those who qualify, insurance or the help network will cover the cost of treatment.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
In case you thought Phil Hellmuth's loud mouth wasn't doing enough to give people a very off-kilter impression of poker before, we've got great news for you! The rumor mills are currently grinding away and hinting that the Poker Brat himself may be on Dancing With The Stars next season. Of course, it's Hellmuth himself that's doing the majority of talking right now. Earlier this week, he Tweeted "OMG! Phil Hellmuth (me!) on "Dancing with the Stars!" Outrageous! Might make a fool out of myself on Worldwide Television one more time…"

Hellmuth's possible involvement with the program has been neither confirmed nor denied by anyone actually associated with the production of the celebrity game show, which will be reaching its staggering twelfth season when it debuts in 2011. The US edition of the show has previously featured Bristol Palin, Mark Cuban, Brooke Burke and other luminaries of stage, screen and sports.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Stephen Baldwin is apparently very angry that his investment in Kevin Coster's water and oil separating device, which was apparently invented during the making of one of the biggest box office bombs off all-time, Waterworld, didn't make him millions like it did Costner.

Baldwin claims that Costner had a meeting with him in the wake of the devastating BP oil spill and Baldwin became a 10% partner in the invention which had been backed by Costner.

In Baldwin's lawsuit, he claims that Costner misled him to believe that a deal with BP worth $52 million was in the works, and alleges he was pushed into selling his shares back to the company. Baldwin claims Costner led him to believe that he'd sold his shares, when really he was still deeply invested in the device.

After a rig ruptured on April 10, Costner and his brother offered BP the use of the systems which helped to minimize the damage by separating oil from water. The Costners wound up selling 32 oil-filtration units to BP bosses through their company Costner Industries Nevada Corporation.

But Baldwin is now suing for unspecified damages, arguing that Costner and his business associates misrepresented both the status of a deal to sell the device to BP and their financial stake in the company. What do you think? Would it be easy to dupe Stephen Baldwin? (Answer: probably.) Which celebrities will engage in a legal tussle next? Bodog has all your entertainment props including early American Idol lines. Get in on the action now.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Men all over the world are salivating at the prospect of a single Scarlett Johansson. However, Ryan Reynolds just filed for divorce from the sexy starlet, and according to reports, Ryan contends that his estranged wife was icy.

Us Weekly reports that an insider who worked with Reynolds on his upcoming film The Green Lantern, said that Reynolds was open about his marital troubles with Johansson. The source said that Reynolds "would say that she treated him badly… It never seemed like she made him a priority."

Us also claims that another source calls Reynolds "beyond sad and depressed," but that Johansson is "disconnected and disaffected," over the split.

Other reports circulating say that Reynolds, 34, and Johansson, 26, couldn't make their marriage work due to their conflicting work schedules, causing Johansson to seek therapy two months ago. Some media outlets also say that Ryan was cheating with actress Blake Lively.

To prove that their divorce divorce is an amicable one, Ryan and Scarlett were seen out for dinner in New York. "They are not getting back together," a friend of Scarlett's told Popeater. "Rather, this was her way to show the world that you can be friends with your ex and that just because you are getting divorced doesn't mean you can't still be civilized towards each other."

In the divorce filing, neither party is asking for spousal support and although Ryan made more money than Scarlett, there is no prenup.

Presumably their assets will be divided 50/50, though the petitions say property rights are yet to be determined.

How will Ryan move on from Scarlett? Be sure to get all your entertainment betting in the Bodog Sportsbook.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Casino gambling has become accepted in dozens of countries over the past decade, and now it appears that even Ireland may get in on the act. The Irish Department of Justice has recommended that Las Vegas-style casinos be built in Ireland.

The change in policy may come as a result of a report that indicated the majority of Irish residents traveling to the US are going to Las Vegas. That is millions of people in Ireland are taking their entertainment dollars to another country, something the Department of Justice wants changed.

The likelihood is that the general election will take place in March before any of the current laws are changed. There is an outside chance, however, according to Dermot Ahern, Minister for Justice, that the law changes could happen before then. Whenever the changes do take place, one thing is certain, millions of dollars will be pumped into the local economy.

Many countries have changed their gaming laws in recent years to not only increase revenue for their government, but also to come into compliance with European Union laws. The result of the law changes has been a worldwide boom in the gaming industry, one that has spread to the Internet.

It has been recommended that two or three casinos be built. Each casino would have 1,500 slot machines, table games, and various entertainment options for their patrons. The casinos would be similar to the one's that exist in Las Vegas and Macau. Las Vegas gaming companies have started to branch into other countries with great success the past couple of years.

The government will have to spend the next couple of months looking over the recommendations and coming up with a plan for regulation. Even if the laws are changed, it would be unlikely that Irish gamblers would be able to attend the casinos until 2012 at the earliest.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The gambling domains specialist announced that it will host an online auction featuring over 2000 domains, covering all the key sectors of the gambling industry from sports betting to racing, to casino and poker.

These will include,,,, and

"Domain names in general and gambling domains in particular are an excellent investment," said Pierluigi Buccioli, founder of Gambling Invest and online gambling super-affiliate.

"Demand and prices for gambling domains have continued to go up in the last two years despite the economic crisis and recession, confirming that domains can be used to capture qualified Internet traffic and to establish a company’s identity online. But they are also an excellent investment for buyers that are prepared to hold onto them for few years as well as for operators who develop domain names into web properties.

"And with the United States considering the introduction of online gambling regulations and several other countries opening their online gambling markets to international competition, it is safe to say that 2011 will be another record year for gambling domains."

The portfolio of gambling domains offered for sale by Gambling Invest includes lots of domain names that igaming affiliates can develop into gambling portals as well as a good selection of names perfect for operators looking to establish an internet presence or internet startups looking to launch a new brand.

The domains will be up for auction through the Proxibid platform between January 26 and February 2, 2011.

Gambling Invest will make more details of the auction available in the coming weeks.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
A Blackjack player who goes by the name of “Robin Hood 702”, has taken it upon himself to offer a sum of $50K to anyone who is willing to turn in a thief who stole $1.5 million worth of casino chips from the Bellagio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas last week. Known for using his casino winnings to help the less fortunate, Robin Hood 702 is on a mission to help the casino find the robber.

This modern day Robin Hood has chosen to keep his identity hidden from the world and together with his Brazilian wife Lady Greice, they apparently help make the world a better place. According to AOL News, his day normally involves gambling throughout the day followed by donating a percentage of his winnings to someone in need. We’re not talking about a fellow gambler who’s having a down day but the recipients of his funds include paying a full year’s rent for a cancer patient.

The question here is why is this guy protecting a casino that makes millions of dollars on a daily basis? Well, without the casino industry, he wouldn’t have the funds to make his donations in the first place.

“If Vegas shuts down, I’m out of business for helping people,” he said.

Currently, the Bellagio thief is still at large with his $1.5 million worth of casino chips he managed to acquire at gun point. Robin Hood 702 claims that his actions are for a good cause and not to be mistaken with propaganda of any kind.

He told the Las Vegas Sun, “These are desperate times. People are going to say, “Why don’t I take a shot?”

This is an ongoing effort for Robin Hood 702, the gambler with a heart of gold.

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Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Today is the day that Santa will forgo any privacy issues to let the world track his every move with the use of NORAD, a technology shared by Google that uses radar and satellite technology to track down the jolly big guy. At the moment Santa and his crew are in the eastern part of the world and are making their way west toward Europe.

Santa got an early start this morning and according to the CBC left his compound at 6 A.M. ET this morning and is quickly making his way around the globe. NORAD lets you view his progress and displays his current location along with the next city along his route.

It’s actually a cool little website and if you click on any of the cities on his route you can view pictures and more information about the city where he’s landed. If you’re looking to tap into the social media aspect of things then you can follow Santa on Twitter (@noradsanta) and Facebook as well. As if that wasn’t enough, there’s also a toll-free number to call (855) 34-SANTA.

How gracious of Santa to let us follow his every move and just to let you know that he is currently in Badulla, Sri Lanka and on his way to Mumbai, India. Merry Christmas Bodogers😡

Whether you believe in the big guy or not, it’s definitely a time for celebrating, so drop your whatever it is you’re doing and enjoy the season.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
A decision by the federal government Thursday will allow the Cowlitz Tribe in Southwest Washington to conduct gambling.

The decision by the U.S. Department of the Interior approved the tribe’s request to acquire 152 acres of land in trust. The land will now be a reservation for the tribe.

The decision will allow the tribe to conduct Class III gaming, which includes card games, slot machines and dog and horse racing.

“This project will allow the Cowlitz Tribe to create hundreds of jobs and invest in other forms of economic development,” said Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Larry Echo Hawk. “It will also allow the tribe to begin the restoration of its homelands.”

The Cowlitz Tribe of Indians was recognized by the federal government in 2000.

In a separate application, the department turned down a request to conduct gambling for the Redding Rancheria tribe in California. The government said the application did not meet the requirements of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and the Interior Department. The tribe wanted to place in trust land in Shasta County, Calif.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If the state of California is known for their largely liberal views, then Texas is on the other end of the spectrum. Texas has long been one of the most conservative states in the US, but that may soon have to change if lawmakers want to cut into a growing budget deficit.

Over the past couple of years, the gambling issue has become one of interest in the Lone Star state. Democratic leaders have pushed bills that would legalize casino resorts in Texas, but each time Republican leaders have blocked the legislation from passing. In 2011, however, the issue may be one that cannot be ignored.

"Too many states have had success in cutting their budget deficits through expanded gambling," said Gaming Analyst Steve Schwartz. "For Texas lawmakers to continue to lag behind the rest of the country when it comes to gambling expansion would be foolish. Even in other states that have always opposed gambling such as Ohio, residents started to see the benefits of the casinos."

In Texas, those benefits would include billions of dollars in tax revenue. Opponents are still hanging their argument on the social dangers of casino gambling, but as lawmakers have become educated on the issue around the country, the social issue fears have faded.

Democrats will be simply seeking to bring the issue to voters in 2011. One bill being drafted would ask voters to approve an amendment to the state Constitution that would allow casino resorts. Church groups, which have a large presence in Texas politics, are expected to lobby heavily to stop any gambling expansion legislation.

State racetracks have their proposals ready to go as well in the new year. The tracks would like to have video lottery terminals and poker rooms. The poker legislation has come close to passing in recent years, and some believe that if any expanded gambling will be approved in 2011, it will be poker legalization.

Pennsylvania lawmakers went through a similar debate to the one taking place in Pennsylvania in recent years. Earlier this year, Governor Ed Rendell threatened to cut government jobs if the legislators in Pennsylvania did not pass a bill that legalized table games. Within days of the threat, the bill was passed.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
With Christmas events winding down, it’s time to prepare for the next big event of the season, New Year’s Eve! While you may be trying to track down your nearest holiday bash, the new multi-billion dollar Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas has been planning their grand event for months and plans to include performances by rapper Jay-Z and Coldplay.

The new addition to the strip, The Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino, opened its doors on the 15th of December and introduced a new version of ‘sheek’ which they claim hasn’t quite been done before. The focus of the hotel revolves around its artistic flare which was brought to life by architect David Rockwell and digital artist T.J. Wilcox.

For those who will venture out to Vegas for the New Year may also get a glimpse of the Jay-Z’s wife, Beyonce who will be in attendance but is not scheduled to perform. Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay will also bring his family including his wife Gwyneth Paltrow, who will definitely not sing unless she wants to throw a country song into the mix.

According to the Daily Mail, there was no expense spared for the grand event and according to reports, Jay-Z is earning $1 million for his performance. Yowsa!

If Jay-Z and Coldplay aren't your cup of tea then you can check out P-Diddy at LAX in the Luxor, Rihanna at Pure in the Caesar's Palace and Kim Kardashian at the Tao.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
The state of Maine has been behind other states when it comes to casino gambling expansion, but that could all change in 2011. Despite a strong Conservative presence, Maine lawmakers are considering several options that could make Maine one of the biggest growing gaming states in 2011.

Already, a casino has been approved for Oxford County, and Hollywood Slots is hoping that full-scale gambling comes next. Hollywood Slots has been operating slot facilities in Bankor, and they are seeking to add table games to their offerings. That is only the beginning of what gaming interests are looking to accomplish in the new year.

Lewiston and Bidderford are considered strong possibilities for gambling expansion in 2011. There are many gaming interests, and it will be up to lawmakers early next year to decide how to word the law moving forward. It will be a task that may take more than just the first session, and the gaming issue may become one of the most debated in Maine next year.

Massachusetts is another state that may have an eye on casino resort expansion. Massachusetts lawmakers were close on a deal to bring casino resorts to the state at the end of the 2010 session, but House Speaker Robert DeLeo insisted on slots for race tracks in the state, and Governor Duval Patrick refused, vetoing a bill that would have legalized slots at the tracks.

Patrick has been pushing casino resorts since he took office. His first attempt last year was stalled by then-House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi. When DeLeo became the new speaker, it was assumed the gambling expansion legislation would be completed. DeLeo's allegiance to tracks in his jurisdiction, however, caused the debate on the issue to continue through to next year.

Maine and Massachusetts are joined by Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware as states that have made their presence in the gaming industry felt. Pennsylvania has legalized full-scale, Vegas-style casinos, while Delaware lawmakers authorized sports betting last year. New Jersey legislators are considering regulating Internet gambling in 2011.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Big news for Hugh Hefner today, the 84-year-old owner of Playboy Enterprises is officially engaged to 24-year-old Playmate Crystal Harris. Hef made the big announcement today on Twitter of his engagement to soon-to-be wife number 3.

According to People Magazine, Studly Hugh announced on Twitter today:

“After the movie tonight; Crystal & I exchanged gifts. I have Crystal a ring. A truly memorable Christmas Eve,” Hefner, 84, wrote. “When I gave Crystal the ring, she burst into tears. This is the happiest Christmas weekend in memory.”

He later made sure he clarified his Tweet by adding, “Yes, the ring I gave Crystal is an engagement ring. I didn’t mean to make a mystery out of it. A very Merry Christmas to all.”

Hugh was separated from his last wife, Playmate of the Year Kimberly Conrad, back 1998 but wasn’t officially divorced until January 2010. In October 2008 he began dating Crystal Harris along with twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon but it seems that Crystal was the one who finally won him over.

Was this a career move for Crystal or did 84-year-olds become a hot commodity all of a sudden? Whatever the story may be congratulations to the happy couple and especially Hef for still having it in him. 😄
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Will Bristol become a Sun Devil? All signs point to the fact that Bristol Palin will be attending Arizona State University, TMZ is reporting.

The former Dancing with the Stars contestant paid cash for a $172,000 home outside the Phoenix area only miles from the Arizona State University school of broadcasting, one of the top facilities in the country. The 20-year-old daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was the sole purchaser of the 5-bedroom home – and apparently is hoping for a career in public speaking.

Following the birth of her son Tripp, Bristol Palin has become a supporter of abstinence and has often been paid to speak publicly about it. After coming in third on Dancing with the Stars, Palin is thought to have raked in quite the hefty sum of money for her stint on the show, which is perhaps how she was able to pay cash for her 3,900 sq ft home.

Arizona State University was at the center of a bit of scandal last year when it decided not to give President Barack Obama an honorary degree, arguing that the President had not yet achieved enough to warrant one. He had given the commencement speech at the school's graduation ceremony.

Think Bristol will become the next Katie Couric? Get all your celebrity and entertainment odds in the Bodog Sportsbook. Need an account? Join Bodog today!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote: The state of Maine has been behind other states when it comes to casino gambling expansion, but that could all change in 2011. Despite a strong Conservative presence, Maine lawmakers are considering several options that could make Maine one of the biggest growing gaming states in 2011.

Already, a casino has been approved for Oxford County, and Hollywood Slots is hoping that full-scale gambling comes next. Hollywood Slots has been operating slot facilities in Bankor, and they are seeking to add table games to their offerings. That is only the beginning of what gaming interests are looking to accomplish in the new year.

Lewiston and Bidderford are considered strong possibilities for gambling expansion in 2011. There are many gaming interests, and it will be up to lawmakers early next year to decide how to word the law moving forward. It will be a task that may take more than just the first session, and the gaming issue may become one of the most debated in Maine next year.

Massachusetts is another state that may have an eye on casino resort expansion. Massachusetts lawmakers were close on a deal to bring casino resorts to the state at the end of the 2010 session, but House Speaker Robert DeLeo insisted on slots for race tracks in the state, and Governor Duval Patrick refused, vetoing a bill that would have legalized slots at the tracks.

Patrick has been pushing casino resorts since he took office. His first attempt last year was stalled by then-House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi. When DeLeo became the new speaker, it was assumed the gambling expansion legislation would be completed. DeLeo's allegiance to tracks in his jurisdiction, however, caused the debate on the issue to continue through to next year.

Maine and Massachusetts are joined by Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware as states that have made their presence in the gaming industry felt. Pennsylvania has legalized full-scale, Vegas-style casinos, while Delaware lawmakers authorized sports betting last year. New Jersey legislators are considering regulating Internet gambling in 2011.
I am glad some states are realizing the benefits of having gaming casinos for those who wish to play.Mt state of WestVirginia completed a new casino near Charleston a year or 2 ago,which has become popular in this area.
I hope states continue to explore casino and online gaming for their residents.
It really bothers me that Kentucky ,you can gamble,if its on horses only.Why is betting on horses ok,but poker is not?I got off the subject,..but wtg Maine!
Join: 2008/11/07 Messages: 145
Residents in the state of Illinois have casino gambling as an option, but in many cases, the residents are closer to casinos in other states than gaming facilities in their own. That is why lawmakers are considering an overhaul of the gaming industry in early 2011.

Legislators will reconvene next Monday for the lame-duck session in Illinois, and the session may bring about the most expansive casino bill in the state's history. Several lawmakers are pushing a plan that would triple the amount of casinos that Illinois currently has.

The reasons for the gambling expansion push are many. For starters, thousands of jobs would be created at a time when unemployment is at extremely high levels. In addition to the employment opportunities, Illinois residents would likely be spared massive tax increases if the new casinos are approved.

The budget deficit is also on the mind of lawmakers. Adding casinos will bring millions of dollars in tax revenue to the state. Currently, many gamblers are leaving the state with their entertainment dollars. That would change if casinos were built in areas that are closer to the gamblers than the casinos in neighboring states.

Another issue that legislators will face in the new year is what to do with the smoking ban that is in effect. There are lawmakers who want to exclude casinos from the ban, claiming that the smoking ban is costing the state millions in revenue. If the casinos cannot get the ban lifted temporarily, they would like to at least be able to offer a smoking gaming room that is properly ventilated.

Illinois will join Maine, Massachusetts, Texas, and dozens of other states that will tap into the resources that casino gambling can provide. Several states are considering taking the gambling issue even farther, with California, Florida, Nevada, and New Jersey debating online gambling regulations.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Floyd Mayweather Jr. has faced some pretty tough guys in his boxing career, but it seems no one has gotten under his skin like the security guards who work the gate in front of his upscale housing community in Las Vegas.

TMZ has obtained an awesome video where the boxing great gets annoyed with security, who apparently sees him daily and continually asks him for ID.

At around 4 a.m. on December 19, Mayweather tells the security guard, "Man, I ain't got no ID," when dude asks him to present it.

"Let me in my mother************************ing house! You know who I am man – let me in my house!"

Mayweather goes on to yell, "Stop giving me a hard time … you don't give Maloof a hard time … you don't ask him for ID when he comes."

Mayweather is apparently referring to one of the wealthy Vegas Maloof family members, who owns The Palms hotel and casino and apparently resides in the same community.

When the guard responded that he was just doing his job, Mayweather fumed, "Your job is to let me in my house! You didn't buy my house, I bought it."

TMZ reports that Mayweather has had a beef with security in the past where he was accused of physically assaulting one of the parking guards during a fight over a parking ticket. For that incident, Mayweather was charged with misdemeanor battery.

Mayweather tells the guard, "I had a problem here before when the security lied and said I touched him and I didn't!"

The awesome part is when Mayweather calmly gets out of his car and opens the gate himself.

What do you think? Would you have let Mayweather in? Sound off in our comments section! Get your Boxing lines in the Bodog Sportsbook!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893

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