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She’s engaged, she got married, she’s not married…who can really keep up with all the rumors swirling around Supermodel Kate Moss’ personal life and even though we do our best here at the Beat, it’s just not easy. The latest news surrounding Kate is that she is officially engaged to her longtime rocker boyfriend Jamie Hince and they are expected to be married sometime in July.

According to The Sun, Hince from the rock band The Kills, proposed to Kate on Tuesday night and surprised her with a vintage 1920’s ring worth tens of thousands of pounds but only after having received Kate’s parents blessing. Last year, there were several reports that the couple had been married in a secret ceremony in Sicily but the rumors were denied by Kate’s agent.

The couple is expected to throw “a mother of all weddings” and “the biggest she has ever thrown” in celebration of their soulmate status. It will be a big bash alright, with plenty of celebrities, ex-boyfriends and of course her 8-year-old daughter Lila.

So I guess this means that her ex Pete Doherty is out of the picture? Let’s hope so.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Two great quarterbacks face off this weekend in Super Bowl XLV as Pittsburgh Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger and Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers take to the field.

Super Bowl 2011 Sponsor is: Bodog Sportsbook (THE BEST)

The Superbowl 2011 kickoff time is at 6:25 p.m. EST. The pregame show starts at 2:00pm on FOX, with red-carpet type interviews with host Ryan Seacrest. Willie Nelson and Alicia Keys are also scheduled to perform before kickoff at Super Bowl XLV. The Superbowl 2011 halftime show is being performed by the Black Eyed Peas, and many of us are hoping Fergie will have a wardrobe malfunction. Say what you will about that famous wardrobe malfunction at Superbowl 2004, the ratings were sky-high.
As for Super Bowl 2011 ads, look for Justin Bieber to be featured with Ozzie Osborne in an ad for Best Buy, Eminem will be hawking Brisk ice tea, and you already know Budweiser is working on something special: they showed some teaser ads during the championship games. Angry Birds will have an ad during the fourth quarter that when paused and played frame-by-frame will reveal a secret level to the game.
But the most important thing of all, of course, is the GAME.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Tomorrow, it is expected that hundreds of millions of dollars will be wagered on the Super Bowl, and the only people in Atlantic City that will get any part of that is the illegal bookmakers. Sports betting is still prohibited in New Jersey, and lawmakers in the state are hoping that changes this year.

Senator Raymond Lesniak is leading the charge to have a federal law overturned regarding sports betting. On a national level, New Jersey and dozens of other states are prohibited from offering sports betting. Las Vegas was the only state in the country to allow sports betting up until two years ago when Delaware changed their laws.

This November, residents of New Jersey will be asked how they feel on the sports betting issue in a ballot question. If voters approve sports gambling, it will set up an interesting showdown between the state and federal government. Lesniak has already started that battle with his lawsuit.

Atlantic City casinos are in desperate need of sports books. Neighboring states have started to expand their casino industries, and AC casinos have felt the effects. Analysts believe that if Atlantic City casinos do not gain sports betting, Pennsylvania may pass them in gaming revenue.

If, however, the state wins their lawsuit and the federal lawsuit is overturned, AC casinos could again become the center of the casino industry on the East Coast. With Florida lawmakers looking into legalizing full scale Las Vegas style casinos, the pressure is on New Jersey to come up with a way to keep their casinos out in front.

The impact sports betting can have on a casino industry will be on display tomorrow when the Super Bowl is expected to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in wagers to Las Vegas sports books. Worldwide, analysts believe that over one billion will be bet on the Super Bowl.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
New Jersey this week became the second US state after California to legalize online exchange betting, after Governor Chris Christie signed Assembly Bill 2926 into law.

However, a related bill that would see the state become the first in the United States to legalize online gambling still awaits Christie's signature.
Online exchange betting approved

Under 2926, the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority will be permitted to operate an online betting exchange for horse racing in the state, which should provide a timely boost for industry revenue.

The new law will go a long way toward reviving casinos in Atlantic City - the second largest gambling market in the US which have suffered from a decline now in its fourth year.
Online gambling bill still waits

However, the governor is yet to sign the Intra-State Internet Gambling bill, which passed both houses of the legislature in mid-January and which would allow Atlantic City casinos to provide online version of their games to state residents, including poker, blackjack, slots and roulette.

A report by trade industry group iMEGA estimates that the new law could bring up $55 million in tax revenue to state coffers annually, if Christie goes ahead and approves it.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Recently the US House Oversight Committee’s Chairman Darrell Issa asked businesses to submit their opinions on how laws that are hindering growth in the USA can be changed for the better. One of the first opinions submitted deals directly with the UIGEA bill. The Safe and Secure Internet Gambling Initiative described to the Chairman how the cost of this bill to the US is in the millions and has hindered job growth by the tens of thousands. The government would earn billions of dollars in tax revenue if the UIGEA bill was replaced with online regulation and legalization of online gambling which by the way has been brought up numerous times in the past but was received by deaf ears.

The “SSIGI” also wrote in their letter to the Chairman to take a long look at information on various government regulations that have a negative impact on job growth. The opportunity for thousands of jobs in the US should not be over looked as it has been by the federal government with the unlawful internet gambling bill. A bill, which has not slowed down the online gambling industry in the United States, but instead driven it and its players farther underground where there is no player safety net or legal help when needed.

The banking sector which bears the brunt of the UIGEA bill’s responsibilities have voiced their disapproval of this useless law because it is impossible for them to police the entire internet and it is unreasonable for the federal government to expect them to. Even though Chairman Issa was one of the Republicans that voted for the UIGEA bill, it seems that he is now taking a second look at the job growth in the USA and may or may not be for the repeal of this useless law.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Pizza Hut was supposed to air its first ever Super Bowl commercial today but pulled the plug on the XLV ad.

Pizza Hut reported that during Super Bowl XLV it would be airing its first ever Super bowl commercial. It turns out that they pulled the plug on their 2011 ad and FOX has already sold it’s spot to someone else. Talk about a buzz kill, Pizza Hut evidently bought back their ad spot and pulled the plug on their first ever Super Bowl 2011 commercial. I wonder if Domino’s and Papa John’s had anything to do with their decisions. I hear they are going buck wild with Super Bowl promotions and contests.

It really sucks that Pizza Hut has pulled the plug on its Super Bowl XLV commercial but I doubt that will lower their business today. Pizza deliveries are going to be insane today and with Pizza Hut’s special Big Dipper party platter pizza they should rock out in business.

Make sure you check out the Pittsburgh Steelers take on the Green Bay Packers when the 2011 Super Bowl airs tonight at 6:30|5:30c on FOX.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
It is just 10 times the size of New York's Central Park with a population of 450,000. Its economy has been growing at twice the speed of China's for several years. Its nominal gross domestic product per capita is roughly US$40,000 ($50,983), about the same as Germany and higher than the United Kingdom.

Place your bets: The city in question is Macau.

Macau is China's gambling capital, the only place in a gambling-crazy country of 1.3 billion people where it is legal to bet in a casino. It is an officially sanctioned safety valve. China's frustrated gamblers are corralled into a tiny peninsula, where they spend an average 1.4 days losing bucket-loads of money, principally on baccarat.

Last year, they left about US$23 billion on the table (of which Macau's government takes a 40 per cent cut) some four times the amount Americans donated to the casinos of Las Vegas.

Macau has been in the news because of the extraordinary saga of Mr Stanley Ho, the 89-year-old billionaire who made his fortune from a 40-year gambling monopoly granted by Macau's Portuguese colonisers. Mr Ho is in the midst of an unseemly tussle for his estimated US$3.1 billion fortune.

Competing factions from at least 16 children Mr Ho has fathered with four "wives" are battling for a share of his wealth with all the venom one normally expects after a patriarch's funeral. Mr Ho is condemned to watch the spectacle while he is still alive. It is enough to give polygamy a bad name.

But the fun and games surrounding Mr Ho's charming family are but a sideshow to the goings-on in Macau itself. The Portuguese established Macau as a trading post in 1557, some 300 years before Hong Kong became a British colony. Hong Kong's rise as a financial centre left Macau to specialise in vice: Gambling, prostitution and loan-sharking. In the run-up to the 1999 handover to China, Macau remained a seedy place, with street shoot-outs between triad gangs a regular spectacle.

Beijing took a strategic decision to clean up Macau. It would also develop it into Asia's premier gambling destination. Just as Hong Kong is China's banking centre, so Macau would become its baccarat hub. Both special administrative regions would show Taiwan it was possible to be part of China and free to do one's own thing.

Almost instantly, Macau's violence ended. So, too, in 2002 did Mr Ho's monopoly. Two of the new licences went to the kings of Nevada, Mr Sheldon Adelson and Mr Steve Wynn.

When, in 2004, Mr Adelson opened the Sands Macao, there was a stampede to get in. The casino, the first to cater to mass-market Chinese gamblers, paid for itself in eight months. Mr Adelson later added the 3,000-room Venetian Macao hotel and convention centre, the world's largest casino and one of the few places where you can take an indoor gondola ride. Mr Wynn added a higher-end, more discreet casino that proved equally popular.

Macau derives four-fifths of its revenue from gambling (compared with less than half in Las Vegas), the bulk of it from high-rollers. Officially, Chinese citizens are allowed to exchange about US$50,000 a year into hard currency. But many high-rollers spend much more than that. They can do so thanks to the so-called junket operators who provide gamblers' hard-currency stake in return for yuan-denominated collateral. If the gambler wins, he keeps his hard-currency earnings. If he loses, he pays back in yuan.

Because such loans are not exactly official and unenforceable in China's court system, they are collected the old-fashioned way. Analysts covering Macau insist that the bulk of money wagered - estimated by CLSA at US$750 billion last year - is legitimate gambling.

But the opportunity for money-laundering is also obvious. Of the debts settled by junket operators, CLSA writes reassuringly: "Note that the numbers of reported assaults or deaths associated with debt collection are surprisingly low."

Beijing may well be hoping that foreign operators can further nudge Macao in the direction of convention business and mass-market gambling. That would make it far less dependent on the volatile and potentially shady world of the high-rollers.

In the meantime, the former Portuguese colony is riding wave upon wave of money. Last year, its cash-flush government made a "wealth-sharing handout" of US$750 to every Macanese. So long as its monopoly lasts, the exact source of gambling revenue may not matter too much. The dice are loaded in Macau's favour.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Legislators in the state of Texas have already started the debate over whether to bring slot machines to state race tracks. Now it appears that the Corpus Christi City Council is preparing to vote on a resolution calling for legislators to again visit the issue.

Texas lawmakers have been divided on the gambling expansion issue over the past couple of years. Traditionally, Texas has been an ultra-conservative state, and it has taken decades for the state to catch up to some of the liberal views of other states. Gambling has become widespread around the US, but Texas has resisted slots for their tracks in the past.

Now, the tracks are experiencing financial disaster like never before, and they need the states help to stay above water. There are tracks, such as Gulf Coast Racing, in Corpus Christi, that offer simulcast betting on races throughout the country, but that have no live races. Slots could help bring live racing back to the track.

"The general feeling is that the city already has a dog track," said City Governmental Relations Director Rudy Garza. "Why not add the slot machines?"

City members opposed to the slots say it would be turning to a socially dangerous activity to help support the track financially. That is a stance that is common amongst anti-gambling groups in the US, but it is also a theory that is being dispelled.

Dozens of states have added casinos and slot gambling and the social ills have been minimal in states that have focused on creating a safe gaming environment. Those states that have provided problem gambling support have benefited from the new casinos.

Garza contends that the slots addition in Corpus Christi is not in response to the poor economic conditions. Instead, Garza claims that Corpus Christi already allows gambling, so the slots addition would be no strain socially on the city or its residents.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Pop star Christina Aguilera proudly sang the U.S. national anthem live this afternoon during the Super Bowl XLV just minus a few lyrics or two, but who really notices these things. Woopsey….!

The American Airlines stadium was packed this afternoon as eager crowds awaited the entertainment to begin. We all know that Christina has some pipes and can definitely pull off singing The Star Spangled Banner but for those who actually do know the words to the song, there just seemed to be a few lyrics missing and twisted around.

There was a point where the audience was expecting to hear the line:

“O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?” and instead we heard “And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof to the night that the flag was still there.”

So basically, she missed a line from the anthem and unless you’re a stickler for these kinds of things then I doubt too many people noticed. As for Christina, other than the missing line, she did a great job and was still cheered by crowds and hopefully her worldwide audience.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
A vital part of running an online gambling operation is learning how to improve and expand the business. One way of getting the information required is to attend conferences and expos that keep the industry up to date and current. The next big one the Gaming Executive Summit LatAm coming up February 22, 24 2011 is hosted by beautiful Panama City, Panama at the elegant and luxurious Marriott Panama City Hotel. This conference has been very successful in past years and has attracted as many as 200 attendees from over 30 different countries.
This is an executive level conference bringing together senior decision-makers of both the online and land based gambling industries. Opportunities are to be revealed in the Latin American gambling jurisdiction. The potential to find the answers to all sorts of valid questions is offered to attendees from senior levels of management. Opening remarks from the President of the Asociacion de Administradores de Juego de Azar, Mr. Antonio Alfaro, on the growth of gaming in Panama and the future of the market in Panama and in the rest of the Latin America.
Also on the first morning agenda are topics such as how much potential does the Latin market have and
which markets offer the most rewarding opportunities, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, or Chile?
Bwin Argentina’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Andy Wasserman will discuss what it takes to be a market leader by addressing the challenges of market monopolization and regionally customized offerings. This opening morning will be followed by a full line up of useful observations such as broadening consumer exposure to your gaming business, and Optimizing gaming revenue in Latin America.
Head of Business Development, Latin America, Intralot Mr. Tiberiu Grigorescu and Mr Francisco Ibarra, Gerente General, Junta de Proteccion Social San Jose will conduct a Panel session on entering the Latin markets by looking at Lotteries and partnership opportunities.
The second day of the conference will cover everything from poker to bingo in Argentina, Chile, Peru, and their links to the European jurisdiction. The Gaming Executive Summit LatAm 2011 will ensure operators looking to expand in Latin America will get the needed information and insight for success.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote: The late Ken Uston, Al Francesco, Arnold Snyder and Stanford Wong have all made a name for themselves in the Blackjack Hall of Fame. Yet compared to the number of successful professional poker players making a name and a comfortable living for themselves, there are relatively few professional blackjack players who can make the same claim............

Read more: Blackjack Pro Lives Like a Billionaire

Play online blackjack at Bodog
It's not so easy :dirol
Join: 2007/02/24 Messages: 1205
kennex wrote: It's not so easy :dirol
It's not so easy :dirol

it's easy if you know how to do 😄
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Only two states – Hawaii and Utah – have no gambling whatsoever. But the number may be dropping to one.

Hawaii legislators are being asked to consider a constitutional amendment that would create limited gambling. A House committee has been given the legislation to review and no action has been taken.

Should the committee approve the bill, and it eventually becomes law, Hawaii’s citizens will be asked to vote on the gambling issue at the next election.

The bill permits slot machines in designated resort areas on the island of Oahu. A separate bill would allow Hawaii to join a multi-state lottery.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
If you bet on the Packers to win the Super Bowl last night with Bodog, you are probably in quite a good mood this morning. If you bet on Ben Roethlisberger's Steelers, better luck next time.

As advid Super Bowl commercial connoisseurs, this year's commercials were so-so.

There were a lot of commercials with star power, including a Best Buy spot featuring Ozzy Osbourne and Justin Bieber, as well as a rather unfunny Lipton Brisk ad with Eminem, who also appeared in an inspiring spot for Chrystler, featuring his city of Detroit.

Joan Rivers is this year's Betty White, earning a ton of attention for her Godaddy spot. In a visual stunner, Rivers reveals herself with a smoking hot body.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's my body in the @GoDaddy ad. The New York Knicks can't be the only ones to share in this pleasure," Rivers wrote on Twitter.

The Bridestone beaver did well with Super Bowl commercial fans and so did Kim Kardashian, who claimed that Skechers ShapeUps will make you ditch your trainer, because as Kim put it, it’ll be “bye-bye trainer, hello Shape-Ups.

The beer category was dominated by Bud Light, who offered up a clever product placement commercial.

But the most popular ad, is the one posted above – yes, the Volkswagon's "The Force" ad has experts calling it one of the best spots from Sunday night's game. The star of the ad is a little boy named Max Page, whose commercial went viral on the Internet before scoring big during the Super Bowl. And in case you're wondering, yes, he is just as cute without his Darth Vader mask. Page appeared on the Today Show this morning and was reserved, sweet and awful cute. Six-year-old Max was born with a congenital heart defect and has a pacemaker, his mother noted. He also has a role on The Young and the Restless.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
With the chances slim the current Congress will approve a federal Internet gambling bill, companies supporting or directly involved in online gambling have launched a new industry trade association.

The U.S. Online Gaming Association will advocate legalizing and regulating online gambling in the United States. The group has named Melanie Brenner, former executive director of Poker Voters of America, as its president and executive director.

"We have begun building the support we need to be a solid voice for the industry in the United States," Brenner said. Brenner said the industry's inability to speak with one voice was one reason that an Internet poker bill backed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., failed to move forward last year in the U.S. Senate.

Reid sought to pass the Internet Poker Act of 2010 before Republicans took control of the House of Representatives following their victories in the November midterm elections. Republicans have opposed legalizing online poker and other forms of gambling for financial and moral reasons.

Brenner expected the U.S. online market to eventually be opened through the states. A bill legalizing online gambling in New Jersey was passed by the Assembly earlier this month and is waiting to be signed by Gov. Chris Christie.

If the Republican governor signs the bill into law, New Jersey would be the first state to legalize online gambling. The measure authorizes online offering of poker, roulette, baccarat, blackjack, along with other table games and slot machines.

The bill specifies that Internet gambling operators must be licensed Atlantic City casino operators and that all equipment used for Internet gambling must be either in Atlantic City casinos or in a "secure" location in Atlantic City.

Caesars Entertainment Corp. and Boyd Gaming Corp. are two examples of Las Vegas-based casino operators that have properties in Atlantic City and would benefit from legalized online gambling in New Jersey.

Legislative efforts to legalize online gambling are also being debated in California and Florida. Brenner said California state Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood, recently formed a working group to try and close differences over an Internet gambling proposal by state Sen. Louis Correa, D-Santa Ana.

"We are very optimistic that all the parties involved will come together in California and get this done," she said.

United Kingdom online gambling websites PKR and Sportingbet are among the USOGA's founding members. The companies along with Secured American Games were the first to pledge financial and technical support for trade association.

"We expect to announce other founding members within the next couple of weeks," said Brenner, adding that a Feb. 14 deadline has been set for companies to commit financial support to and join the new trade association.

Representatives from about 20 online operators in Europe attended a meeting Jan. 27 at London's ICE Exhibition. Brenner declined to discuss whether local casino operators had attended the meeting or whether an event will be held in Las Vegas.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Online gambling company 888 has confirmed that it is still in talks with Ladbrokes about a potential takeover.

Chief executive Gigi Levy said that the deal – which would see his company taken over by the British bookmakers – was still on the cards, despite a Mail on Sunday report that talks were on the verge of collapse because an agreed price could not be reached.

"It's definitely not off the table," said Levy. "There is still interest on both sides in doing a deal. Every big deal has complexities, but there's nothing which is a big sticking point. There's a variety of things like in any deal. We're trying to see whether we can tackle them or not.”

As of 9:31am on Monday morning, shares in 888 Holdings were up 5.7 % to 46.25 pence, valuing the company at nearly £160 million. They had earlier risen by as much as 6.3%.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Twin River has attempted before to try and get table game gambling at their slot parlor, but lawmakers have been opposed to the idea. Now, Twin River is again putting on the full court press and this time they may have some supporters.

Governor Lincoln Chafee has given signs that he may support table games for Twin River, a break from the traditional stance in Rhode Island. Already, the casino offers video gambling machine versions of the games they are trying to run live.

Chafee claims there is not much difference between the video versions and the real versions. Gamblers would be inclined to disagree, with many feeling that having live blackjack and poker dealers and real attendants at the roulette wheel and craps table would make for a more enjoyable experience.

"I play the video machines they have at Twin River, but I would much rather have the human interaction," said William Burns. "If I am going to lose my money, I'd rather do it while being able to talk to the dealers and other people at the table. At least then I would feel I got my money's worth."

Lawmakers in the state have not always been against table games in the state. Legislators last year passed a bill that would have allowed residents of Rhode Island to decide the issue. Former Governor Don Carcieri was against new forms of gambling, and he vetoed the legislation.

Now, with a new governor in office, Twin River has decided to try again. This time, they have already shown the economic impact that casino gambling could have on the state. Other states have increased their revenue by hundreds of millions of dollars by adding casino gambling.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Iowa Lottery chief Terry Rich told a state panel Tuesday that electronic delivery of lottery products is "coming fast" given all the "apps" at consumers' fingertips, according to the Quad-City Times.

Rich said he was not recommending new gaming ventures at this point, but noted the downside to being "an offline state in an online world." He pointed out that if the state got involved in electronic gaming, it could regulate it and keep out players under 21.

Rich said he had heard unverified reports that illegal Internet gambling, sports betting and other wagering might be costing Iowa up to $1 billion annually, according to the report.

But he assured the Government Oversight Committee he would not forge ahead with any phone or Internet-based gambling activities without legislative approval.

"I've yet to hear any sort of large voice saying we want to have online gambling or we want to have gambling on smartphones," said Rep. Chris Hagenow, a committee co-chairman, according to the paper. "I have not heard that message from Iowans yet. I don't think there's any groundswell of support for that, and until we hear that, I think it's a dead issue frankly."
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
These are some tense times for the flailing Mean Girls actress Lindsay Lohan, who just recently, got in a whole lot of trouble for allegedly lifting a $2500 necklace from a Venice Beach jewelry store and is awaiting a likely impending arrest. Some good news for Lindsay Lohan, however. Reportedly, Lohan’s team is in talks with the people behind the new Superman reboot, who claim the chronic parole violator is up for a “major” role in the movie. Although sources say the part is not Lois Lane, it will still be a solid gig for Lohan, who hasn’t been doing too much on the big screen since production companies have found that insuring the actress has been costly.

This latest career bite is exactly the kind of boost Lohan has been gunning for, but now that she is facing charges of felony grand theft as well as probation violation (charges which she vehemently denies), Lohan’s only upcoming role will be that of prison inmate.

Lohan is slated to meet personally Superman producers soon, but the fact that she could be placed in cuffs at any given moment is surely putting a damper on any celebrations.

Police had suggested that Lohan could be arrested as early as yesterday for felony grand theft for a necklace she claims she borrowed. Lohan's attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley made a trip yesterday to L.A. County District Attorney's Office to offer her ideas on why her client should not be prosecuted. Holley met with prosecutors Danette Meyers and John Lynch. So far, however, Lohan has been free as a bird.

What do you think? Will Lohan be starring in Superman? Or will she be hauled off to jail, where, if convicted, she could spend up to the next three years of her life. Get all your celebrity odds in the Bodog Sportsbook. If you need an account, Join Bodog today.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Mobiles may be used more for online gambling.
Mobile phones will have an increasingly important role to play in online gambling, according to an expert.

Clive Hawkswood, chief executive of the Remote Gambling Association, said while static devices such as PCs continue to be the most dominant mode of betting technology, growth in the mobile sector "is inevitable".

"Gambling is following, some would say at the forefront of, the general trend in consumers' seemingly endless desire for innovative technologies," he explained.

Mr Hawkswood stated people want products and services to be available 24/7 and therefore state restrictions on remote gambling are not a viable option in the long or even short term.

He argued the only realistic approach for governments to take is to create a "well-regulated licensing environment".

The specialist's comments come after William Hill announced it is launching a new Android app that will allow users to access over 40,000 of its pre-match, in-play and speciality markets.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893

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