Manne wrote:
He wants to “pump you up” even while you’re in drunken stupor, he’s Lady Gaga’s on-again off-again boyfriend, Luc Carl and he’s releasing a book based on his personal blog Memoires of a Badass where he will tell the tale of his own personal struggles with weight loss and how it is absolutely possible to mix booze and fitness and still lose weight.
His blog with no question will make you laugh and you’ll get a kick out of reading some the guy’s struggles to lose weight which we don’t really hear much about. Luc Carl is a nightclub manager, musician, runner, semi-pro bowler, DJ, bartender and the list of his talents goes on and from his glam-rocker look you wouldn’t think he was one really interested in watching his weight, but his memoirs give you some real insight into the man behind chiseled arms and poofy mullet.
Luc’s book, The Drunk Diet, which has been picked up by publishers St.Martin's Press, takes you on his journey from an out of shape, bloated asshole (as he claims) to the sexiest, most delightful man on the planet. His blog offers a few laughs and sets the tone for his book which he claims does not include “don’t do this, don’t do that” statements and offers more of an inspirational and humorous story about his goal to lose the belly fat.
Will this diet work for most guys? If you drink a six-pack before 10 a.m. and have dreams of possibly one day getting in shape, then just maybe it may be worth a read. This guy claims that he can run up the Empire State Building in NYC in 17 minutes, so I guess he must be doing something right.