Manne wrote:
Paris Hilton hit a big milestone of her own, she’s now 30 years old but one thing she can still count on is a bit of drama to follow her around. During her 30th birthday party in L.A. someone named “Paz” crashed her party and took off with what sources claim was a $3K birthday cake and lived to tell all about it on Facebook.
You don’t mess with a girl’s cake but this guy, Paz, who managed to sneak his way into Paris’ birthday party through a well-connected friend, apparently got a cue from a security guard or someone who seemed to be in the know, that the cake was up for grabs. So the guy gets his car and since everyone was probably tanked, he manages to take the cake out of the building and onto his car without any hesitation or questioning from security. Score! I guess, so after the guy walks out with the $3K cake he then goes home to share a play by play all on Facebook.
This morning you can imagine that the guy made headlines of the cake-snatching incident but since he got the green light from security to move ahead with 70 lb mass of sugary goodness, no charges were filed.
Needless to say that Paris wasn’t happy about the whole thing and felt it was “pathetic that someone feels the need to get attention like that,” this coming from the fame monger extraordinaire. The incident didn't prevent her from partying like a rock star during her Moulin Rouge-themed party, so I suppose all is forgiven.
Well, it sounds like a misunderstanding but now this guy’s claim to fame will be stealing Paris Hilton’s birthday cake, I guess that’s something.
Smart phones with the capability to support gaming have even edged out portable video game systems like the Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP. The popularity of mobile gaming has become so threatening to these companies that Sony has launched a PlayStation phone, specifically for gamers on the go.
Because of the increase in mobile gaming, casino operators have jumped on the bandwagon, creating their own applications for use on smart phones and other mobile devices. While the iPhone and Android phones are mobile for mobile gambling, tablet computers actually drive the industry. As technological continues to advance, so does the demand for software to use on these devices.
The iPad 2 and the iPhone 5 are set for release this year, causing online casino operators to plan their development of games for use on these devices. Android 3.0 is also scheduled for 2011, presenting operators with some interesting opportunities for software development. 2011 will certainly be an interesting year for the mobile gambling industry.