Manne wrote:
History is repeating itself in the United States. Congressmen John Campbell and Barney Frank introduced their online gambling regulation bill in March 2011. This week Congressman Jim McDermott introduced HR 2230......
Read more: US Introduces Gambling Tax Bill
Meanwhile, the bill’s Senate sponsor, Sen. Terry Link, D-Waukegan, said he will meet with Quinn soon to hear more about the governor’s concerns and possibly make changes to the bill. Quinn has said he considers the bill to be “top heavy.”
While it has passed both legislative chambers, Senate Bill 744 is still in the control of the Senate because Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, filed a motion to reconsider the vote.
“I hope there are no changes,” Link said on Tuesday. “We will be meeting with the governor. We’ll see if there’s things that we can work with him on. I’m not going to give up my cards until I see what his cards are.
“If he’s looking at something that he wants to do that’s feasible, then we’ll consider it.”
$25 million for agencies
The legislation would provide roughly $25 million to soil and water conservation districts, county fairs, cooperative extension, the state’s forestry fund, historic sites, the state’s parks and conservation fund and equine research. Such funding was a key part of getting downstate Democrats and Republicans to vote for the legislation.
Surrounding themselves with dozens of children who are in FFA programs at a news conference, the heads of county fairs, 4-H clubs and soil and water conservation districts urged the governor to consider the programs that could be funded by five new casinos and slot machines at racetracks and the Illinois State Fairgrounds.
One of the children collapsed under the hot lights in the Capitol’s Blue Room, where news conferences are staged for reporters. A medic was called, but organizers reported she was OK.
“It will allow us to have a dedicated funding for county fairs as well as the other groups,” said Marvin Perzee of Iroquois County, the legislative chair of the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs.
The $5 million in county fair funding would reimburse county fairs for premiums they pay to livestock exhibitors, including 4-H members and FFA members. It would not be spent on items like entertainment or operating costs of the fairs, said Tom Moore, president of the IAAF.
State fairgrounds upkeep
Sangamon County Board member Chris Boyster said another key component of the measure is that it would provide funding for upkeep of the state fairgrounds.
“This is an economic no-brainer for us,” Boyster said.
The bill would also provide $10 million for soil and water conservation districts. The districts have received as much as $8.6 million from the state in the past, but the appropriation for the fiscal year that begins July 1 is down to $2.8 million, said Rob Nichols, executive director of the Illinois Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts.
“That’s not enough,” Nichols said.
“Today in Springfield and parts of western Illinois, we’ve had a great deal of rain. That rain, along with the others we’ve had this spring, causes soil erosion. The soil erosion affects water quality. That is water that we drink. Without the soil and water conservation districts to work with the rural landowners to install conservation practices, we lose water capacity, we lose water quality.”
Annie Thompson, a spokeswoman for Quinn, said that the governor continues to carefully review each aspect of the legislation.