Manne wrote:
The state’s top gambling regulator said today he would be “flabbergasted” if Gov. Pat Quinn signs off on a major expansion of gambling, saying the bill passed by lawmakers was a back-room deal cut on behalf of special interests.
Illinois Gaming Board Chairman Aaron Jaffe said when he met with Quinn to review the legislation last week the governor was very understanding about concerns the bill would undermine gambling regulation. “I would be flabbergasted, and I don’t think he’s going to” sign the bill said Jaffe, who has urged Quinn to veto the plan. “I don’t speak for him, but I know his feelings on it. I think he wants an honest administration of any gambling.”
The legislation, which would allow for a Chicago casino, three other new land-based gambling halls and the addition of slot machines at horse racing tracks, is filled with regulatory loopholes, Jaffe said.
“I’ve said before and I will tell you again, it’s 409 pages of garbage,” Jaffe said, later adding “use your imagination, and whatever evil thoughts come into your minds, it will probably be worse than that.”
Quinn has time to weigh his options because Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago, put a parliamentary hold on the bill shortly after lawmakers approved it. Sponsors of the legislation feared an immediate veto from Quinn, who for weeks before a vote called the plan “top heavy” and said he would not support it.
Lawmakers are now considering possible changes to win the governor’s support, though no specific changes have emerged.
The current proposal calls for a casino in Chicago, Rockford, Lake County, southern Cook County and downstate Danville. Race tracks would be allowed to operate slot machines, and a “racino” would be built at the state fairgrounds in Springfield. O’Hare and Midway airport could operate slots behind security gates, and existing river boats would get more gambling stations and be allowed to move on land.
Quinn has said he is meeting with opponents and supporters alike on the measure, promising quick action should lawmakers eventually send him the bill.
The fact that Brad and Angelina are still together is pretty damn amazing and after six years, six kids and unstoppable rumors about the two that just won't quit, it looks like these guys are true survivors. According to US Weekly, the Brad and Angelina wedding will take place within the next couple of months and actually, they won't be giving Kim Kardashian any friendly wedding competition because the two are actually looking into more of an intimate setting for their big day.
It has been rumored that they could take their love fest over to their Chateau Miraval in Correns, France but we're definitely sure that it will probably be somewhere where they will be able to successfully dodge the paparazzi.
So why the change of heart for these two do-gooders? According to Brad, it's all for the kids, "It's meaning more and more to them," he said in a recent interview. Well, it's obvious that they don't need to get married to prove anything because even after six years together, the seem as happy as ever.