2012/06/14 00:13
Manne wrote:
Search after Gambling Forum at Google and you will se
SEO Tip #12 Long tail keywords.
Trying to rank high for very competitive keywords eg. “online casino” can be a losing battle. Try building back links for long tail keywords containing the competitive keyword eg. “top online casino games uk” as part of a bigger phrase. It might have less competition so ranking higher for it will be easier.
SEO Tip #11: Traffic is as important as back links.
Remember that 1000 back links to your site, but no traffic to your site will count negatively in Google SERP. Quality, optimized content will ensure traffic from “real” users and coupled with enough back links will ensure good rankings and authority.
SEO Tip #10: Beware of repetitive keywords usage.
Google has recently made it clear that it will downgrade sites and pages that are “too” highly optimized for search engines. Amongst the biggest culprits are links with the same keywords used in an unnatural frequency. This includes back links on other sites to your site. Tip: use long-tail keywords to spice things up.
SEO Tip #9: Don’t over SEO.
Google and the other search engines are getting smarter by the day. Google will penalize sites that it perceives as over optimized. The answer is balance. Put a few keyword on some pages and none on others - mix it up. Google is looking for good, natural, normal looking content.
SEO Tip #8: Interlink your pages.
A very important step which a lot of people forget is to interlink all the pages on their site. All search engines love to see pages on a site linking (logically of course) to other pages in the site. It helps them determine context, meaning and overall content value. Also remember to add logical title attributes to these links.
SEO Tip #7: Broken links.
You need to regularly scan your site for broken links or missing pages. Missing pages should be fixed or 301 redirected to a suitable alternative. Broken links can affect your page’s Google rank significantly so clean house regularly.
SEO Tip #6: Page meta description length.
Keep every page’s meta description unique and within 100 to 160 characters. Any shorter and Google will complain. You can use Google Webmaster Tools to check for issues on your site, specifically meta description issues.
SEO Tip #5: Website loading speed.
The speed it takes a user’s browser to load and display your site is critically important to search engines. A typical search engine spider doesn’t waste too much time waiting for a page to download before it tries to index it. It makes sense to make your page light - less or highly compressed graphics - and only enough information to deliver your message. In this case, less is more. If a page loads too long it might not get indexed for months. Use standard HTML tags like H1’s, , etc and CSS instead of heaving loading graphic images.
SEO Tip #4: New content and comments raises your value.
Google loves fresh, topical content on your site. Keep adding new posts or articles on a regular basis. There’s no hard and fast rule for this as long as new content is added, Google will visit your site more regularly. Try and get as many feedback or comment posts on your pages and articles as possible. A fresh, topical site that has lots of “action” on it is more valuable than a static site with no obvious readership. Topical comments can be used to generate valuable “backlinks” to your other web properties and can be used to create “linkwheels” (We will cover this next).
SEO Tip #3: Original content is king!
ALWAYS user fresh new content on your web site. Google frowns on duplicated and copied content. You WILL lose rankings if you copy text from another page. If you struggle with new content, you can buy new content online. There are numerous services where you can pay someone to write an article for you. Another option would be to manually spin existing content.
SEO Tip #2: The importance of back links.
To ensure better Page rank, you need to create back links - links to your site - on other, high quality sites. You can do so by commenting of other blog posts and leaving your site’s address in the comment section of that blog. Try commenting on high ranking sites for more link juice !
SEO Tip #1: Remember your link attributes!
When you create links on your site, remember to create each link complete with all the attributes a search engine will look at: HREF, Title(A short description of the link’s purpose), anchor text (the keywords you are targeting on search engines, exact keyword or long-tail keywords).
Exact keyword - the exact keyword you are targeting on search engines eg. Online casino
Long-tail keyword - less exact keywords which can still capture traffic eg. Casino games online
House Bill #333 authorizes internet gaming under the control and operation of the Delaware Lottery.
According to the bill, "Internet lottery games would be offered solely to persons within the State of Delaware at the current time. A person's location would be determined from a person's computer or mobile device."
Online poker and internet gaming hot topics in 2011
Online poker players are familiar with Black Friday, that was on April 15, 2011, when the federal government closed down internet poker in the United States. Since that time internet gambling has been illegal in the United States.
Since Black Friday numerous states have discussed and debated various aspects of internet gaming. There has been talk on Capital Hill to establish federal guidelines for online gambling and federal laws have been proposed to legalize online poker.
Read More: Delaware House passes internet gaming bill - Wilmington Technology | Examiner-com