Manne wrote:
Susan Boyle is returning to American soil, this time, to the Dancing with the Stars set where she is set to perform "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen. And if all goes well, Boyle will not be leaving the country in tears, because she's cleared the song with producers before even leaving Scotland. She will perform live tonight.
Just last month, Boyle was totally devastated when she arrived to the set of America's Got Talent and was told she could not sing former Velvet Underground Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" because he had personally blocked her from doing so. This news was divulged to Boyle just two hours before she was supposed to perform. Reportedly, Boyle burst into tears and hopped on the first plane back to the U.K.
Reed, however, denied that he blocked Boyle from sining his song, telling Access Hollywood that the problem was that the song was not cleared for the American market in time for the show. Apparently, the song had only been cleared for use in the U.K.
Meanwhile, with Michael Bolton and David Hasselhoff kicked to the curb, the remaining celebrities on gearing up for the third week of the top-rated dancing show. Word has it, Bolton is even demanding an apology from judge Bruno Tonioli, who said that Bolton's jive was the worst jive in DWTS history. "I think he should apologize publicly and he should be reprimanded for it," Bolton said on Good Morning America.
However, Bolton shouldn't start holding his breath. "Bruno's role as a judge is to give his honest opinions on the quality of the dances he's judging, which is what he did in this case," a rep for Dancing with the Stars said in a statement to RadarOnline. "While we respect the feelings of our celebrities and dancers, we don't feel Bruno should be expected to apologize for doing his job."
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