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Changing rules

Do u change the rule of the game when you play in your house with your friends ,we do change the rules sometimes to fit into the game .
Join: 2007/04/04 Messages: 100
mtajim wrote: Do u change the rule of the game when you play in your house with your friends ,we do change the rules sometimes to fit into the game .
NO I never do that.
But there is some guys, who've developed totallay different games by changing the existing rules. They are crazy.
Join: 2007/04/04 Messages: 769 Thanks: 20
olbg wrote: NO I never do that.
But there is some guys, who've developed totallay different games by changing the existing rules. They are crazy.
I think it wont hurt changing rules at home , because u are just playig just for fun , sometimes when u dont have enough number of players we change rules to make the game more fun
Join: 2007/04/04 Messages: 100
mtajim wrote: I think it wont hurt changing rules at home , because u are just playig just for fun , sometimes when u dont have enough number of players we change rules to make the game more fun
Yeah, I think I should be a try.
But it create so much confusion since the rules are not standard.
Join: 2007/04/04 Messages: 769 Thanks: 20
olbg wrote: Yeah, I think I should be a try.
But it create so much confusion since the rules are not standard.
Yes , but when you dont have full pack of cards and want to have lil fun , its nice to change some rules
Join: 2007/04/04 Messages: 100
mtajim wrote: Do u change the rule of the game when you play in your house with your friends ,we do change the rules sometimes to fit into the game .
We do change the rules .....after 3-4 beer 😄

Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893

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