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What Can We Expect From 2016

More Countries and States Will Seek to Regulate Online Gambling

While Europe is fairly advanced in its regulation of online gambling, it seems that in 2016, even more countries will want to come on board. As of now, the European Commission regulates online gambling in all EU countries, but given the popularity of the pastime, more countries will want to follow suit.

In the US, online gambling is currently allowed to be implemented at a state level, but only three states have taken advantage of that. In 2015, Sheldon Adelson had been pushing for RAWA, the Restoration of America’s Wire Act, to be passed, a bill which would ban online gambling at a federal level - but RAWA was not included in the end-of-the-year spending bill, which means that the states have another year of relief. It also means that more states will probably look towards legalizing online gambling in 2016 as a way of bringing in some added revenue.

2016 Looks Like It Will Be a Good Year

While it’s only the beginning, all signs and trends point to 2016 being a great year for online gambling, with more expansion, opportunity, and higher quality games and service for players. Here’s to a great 2016!

What Can We Expect From 2016 in Online Gambling? | Online Casino Reports
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 29893
Manne wrote: More Countries and States Will Seek to Regulate Online Gambling

While Europe is fairly advanced in its regulation of online gambling, it seems that in 2016, even more countries will want to come on board. As of now, the European Commission regulates online gambling in all EU countries, but given the popularity of the pastime, more countries will want to follow suit.

In the US, online gambling is currently allowed to be implemented at a state level, but only three states have taken advantage of that. In 2015, Sheldon Adelson had been pushing for RAWA, the Restoration of America’s Wire Act, to be passed, a bill which would ban online gambling at a federal level - but RAWA was not included in the end-of-the-year spending bill, which means that the states have another year of relief. It also means that more states will probably look towards legalizing online gambling in 2016 as a way of bringing in some added revenue.

2016 Looks Like It Will Be a Good Year

While it’s only the beginning, all signs and trends point to 2016 being a great year for online gambling, with more expansion, opportunity, and higher quality games and service for players. Here’s to a great 2016!

What Can We Expect From 2016 in Online Gambling? | Online Casino Reports
2016 will be a great year for me! (I hope so) 😁
Join: 2006/12/20 Messages: 978
snobben wrote: 2016 will be a great year for me! (I hope so) 😁
I Only Expect The Best For 2016!
Join: 2006/12/11 Messages: 1758
Manne wrote: More Countries and States Will Seek to Regulate Online Gambling

While Europe is fairly advanced in its regulation of online gambling, it seems that in 2016, even more countries will want to come on board. As of now, the European Commission regulates online gambling in all EU countries, but given the popularity of the pastime, more countries will want to follow suit.

In the US, online gambling is currently allowed to be implemented at a state level, but only three states have taken advantage of that. In 2015, Sheldon Adelson had been pushing for RAWA, the Restoration of America’s Wire Act, to be passed, a bill which would ban online gambling at a federal level - but RAWA was not included in the end-of-the-year spending bill, which means that the states have another year of relief. It also means that more states will probably look towards legalizing online gambling in 2016 as a way of bringing in some added revenue.

2016 Looks Like It Will Be a Good Year

While it’s only the beginning, all signs and trends point to 2016 being a great year for online gambling, with more expansion, opportunity, and higher quality games and service for players. Here’s to a great 2016!

What Can We Expect From 2016 in Online Gambling? | Online Casino Reports
Though more countries will get registered for online gambling by the year 2016, I would probably still prefer playing at land based bingo halls.
Join: 2014/04/23 Messages: 86
ashleyjohn wrote: Though more countries will get registered for online gambling by the year 2016, I would probably still prefer playing at land based bingo halls.
Though more countries will get registered for online gambling by the year 2016, I would probably still prefer playing at land based bingo halls.

There will always be bingo halls don't worry about that.
Join: 2008/12/18 Messages: 846
David_1 wrote: Though more countries will get registered for online gambling by the year 2016, I would probably still prefer playing at land based bingo halls.

There will always be bingo halls don't worry about that.
I hope that i will win some money.
Join: 2015/09/20 Messages: 247

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