mjoshin125 wrote:
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IX had stated, he'd like to get a BuyIn oganized
Lets get the ball rollin' on this
any additional suggestions, put em down 😡
to start off, lets put down,
Top TWO Rooms
Time of day
day of week
Buyin amount
now lets get serious & be serious about this
if you dont want to participate yet
well, it ain't gonna happen overnight
you may change your mind, when it does
I had started a thread in the doyles room thread
but I think puttting it here, may get more exposure
I'll start it off:
IX had stated, he'd like to get a BuyIn oganized
Lets get the ball rollin' on this
any additional suggestions, put em down 😡
to start off, lets put down,
Top TWO Rooms
Time of day
day of week
Buyin amount
now lets get serious & be serious about this
if you dont want to participate yet
well, it ain't gonna happen overnight
you may change your mind, when it does
I had started a thread in the doyles room thread
but I think puttting it here, may get more exposure
I'll start it off: