2010/03/03 03:23
darkseed wrote:
Sunday night is my regular poker game at the local bar. I had some upseting news earlier in the day, and took half a Xanax. The game starts at 7PM, and I usually don't eat first. I lasted about two hours in the game, and drank my usual pitcher of beer, plus one more glass that somebody bought me. I came home and fixed something to eat, and decided to play a 10 cent SNG while I ate. I didn't get any cards, and made it to the first break. Early on, I got a pair of sixes, played Donkey Bingo, caught trips and tripled up. I caught myself passing out a couple of times, so I went all in with A7. Flop comes up A7, and I double up again. Then I passed out again, woke up with Q6, went all-in again, flopped two 6's and a queen on the river, and tripled up. I felt l was going to puke, so I took my dog for a walk to get some fresh air. When I came back 40 minutes later, I had finished 17th and made 30 cents.
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