decker wrote:
I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now
give the edited version and explanation. The new category is
A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout
A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage
and suckout.
I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game
I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned
over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop
and hit the set on the river.
You've got it backwards, dude. CALLING all in with 4,6 off is much more of a donk move than GOING all in. Even the top players may GO all in with garbage, but they won't often CALL with it....
give the edited version and explanation. The new category is
A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout
A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage
and suckout.
I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game
I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned
over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop
and hit the set on the river.