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It's a BIRD....It;s a PLANE.....It's SUPERDONK!!!!!!

I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
Join: 2008/08/29 Messages: 71
pokerpro_1 wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
I am unofficially creating
The new category is

this should get some decent replies, S-shots & H-Histories

think I'll save some from here on

I usually don't post suckouts**
that's just the way poker is played today
I have had plenty of premium hands cracked by totally junk hands
but my feeling on that is
if you get in all your chips
before you get to see all the cards
you still have a good shot at losing the hand

**( I have posted my suckouts in the past
hands where, some would think, I had no reason to be in the hand
but, I had put my hand analysis along w/ the play, explaining each street)
and that would include the opponents furious reaction to my play

I'll try and find those posts & re-post em here
Join: 2008/12/12 Messages: 250
pokerpro_1 wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Was in a game earlier this week and VERY early on -- 1st hand even maybe -- action goes:

Player 1: min raise...Player 2: min re-raise
Player 1: min-re-reraise...Player 2: min re-re-re-raise
-- repeat about 5 times while I go "WTF, just go AI already" --
Player 1: pushes all-in...Player 2: calls

Player 1: 73o...Player 2: AQo or AKo

Player 1 flops a set of 3s to take down the pot. . .[/FONT]
Join: 2008/12/20 Messages: 856
SycoSteve wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Was in a game earlier this week and VERY early on -- 1st hand even maybe -- action goes:

Player 1: min raise...Player 2: min re-raise
Player 1: min-re-reraise...Player 2: min re-re-re-raise
-- repeat about 5 times while I go "WTF, just go AI already" --
Player 1: pushes all-in...Player 2: calls

Player 1: 73o...Player 2: AQo or AKo

Player 1 flops a set of 3s to take down the pot. . .[/FONT]
That hurts! But that's why poker does require luck to win .
Join: 2010/03/02 Messages: 79
rcbstuff wrote: That hurts! But that's why poker does require luck to win .
The reason they play like that is the fact that you are more than likely playing in a freeroll.Nothing to lose mentality if you know what I mean.There is a big difference between freerolls and other types of buyins.Calls, bets and this of this nature are entirely different in the two.
Join: 2008/10/24 Messages: 171
rcbstuff wrote: That hurts! But that's why poker does require luck to win .
That hurts! But that's why poker does require luck to win .

Luck is my Enemy.


Good Luck.

Join: 2009/12/06 Messages: 258
SycoSteve wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Was in a game earlier this week and VERY early on -- 1st hand even maybe -- action goes:

Player 1: min raise...Player 2: min re-raise
Player 1: min-re-reraise...Player 2: min re-re-re-raise
-- repeat about 5 times while I go "WTF, just go AI already" --
Player 1: pushes all-in...Player 2: calls

Player 1: 73o...Player 2: AQo or AKo

Player 1 flops a set of 3s to take down the pot. . .[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Was in a game earlier this week and VERY early on -- 1st hand even maybe -- action goes:

Player 1: min raise...Player 2: min re-raise
Player 1: min-re-reraise...Player 2: min re-re-re-raise
-- repeat about 5 times while I go "WTF, just go AI already" --
Player 1: pushes all-in...Player 2: calls

Player 1: 73o...Player 2: AQo or AKo

Player 1 flops a set of 3s to take down the pot. . .[/FONT]

I love watching this min raising donks. Its also great when you are in a multi raised prefop pot then some donk min bets the flop giving like 10to1 pot odds or worst. Gotta love the stupid cause in the long run they will lose.
Join: 2009/10/17 Messages: 65
pokerpro_1 wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
I've played long enough to say that any posts here can probably have my name tagged to it.

So, I'll say, "Poker is like a box chocolates, you always pick the wrong one."

:bully: :crying
Join: 2008/04/14 Messages: 199
pokerpro_1 wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.
I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.

You've got it backwards, dude. CALLING all in with 4,6 off is much more of a donk move than GOING all in. Even the top players may GO all in with garbage, but they won't often CALL with it....
Join: 2009/05/08 Messages: 191
decker wrote: I am unofficially creating a new category and will just now

give the edited version and explanation. The new category is


A DONK will call an allin with 4 6 offsuit and suckout

A SUPER DONK will GO ALLIN with the same garbage

and suckout.

I can honestly say that in 19 years of playing this great game

I had never been as infuriated as i was when my AJ turned

over and SD's 4 6 off appeared. He paired the 6 on the flop

and hit the set on the river.

You've got it backwards, dude. CALLING all in with 4,6 off is much more of a donk move than GOING all in. Even the top players may GO all in with garbage, but they won't often CALL with it....
Recently I was low stacked fairly 58off in my b-blind.Somebody goes allin and I call with 2 other players...needless to say,I hit and won the hand....guess that makes me the donk i was in 2 other games and didnt care to lose that it was a freeroll.I caught some slack from that,actually i thought it was pretty funny...gettin guys tore up over a $25 freeroll..
Join: 2008/11/07 Messages: 145
nightmoves44 wrote: Recently I was low stacked fairly 58off in my b-blind.Somebody goes allin and I call with 2 other players...needless to say,I hit and won the hand....guess that makes me the donk i was in 2 other games and didnt care to lose that it was a freeroll.I caught some slack from that,actually i thought it was pretty funny...gettin guys tore up over a $25 freeroll..
The best part of these "super donks" that call anything and win is that they really believe they are good😡!! It kills me.

But is there a better feeling then taking out the guy that calls everything. I love just waiting for that perfect hand and then just slow playing the donk...Watch as he raises and rasies....Then bang....You got him. I love it😡
Join: 2009/10/25 Messages: 218

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