2008/12/26 17:12
Manne wrote:
Become a better poker player with our new Poker Tips section at ixgames-com. Follow our poker tips that even seasoned pros should remind themselves of once in a while.
Good luck at the table.
Do not try to bluff, if you have nothing in your hand, FOLD. If you have a good hand, make them pay to see it!
Your goal is to beat all the players at the table.
There is a 50 percent chance that you will not better your opening hand.
If you do not have a pair or better, or four cards to a flush or straight, FOLD.
Always do your homework before playing any poker game. Read as much as possible on the subject.
Just overcards on the flop: You can bet with an ace or two minor overcards on the flop, but you should fold if someone raises your bet. If someone bets before you on the flop you can call with two overcards, but fold them at the turn unless your hand improves then.
You can call with two major overcards (ie A-J) if someone raises your bet on the flop. You can also check-call a bet on the turn with that kind of hand, unless the board looks threatening. A small pair with an overcard kicker is a strong hand that you can (cold) call a raise with on the flop.
Though, you should probably fold it on the next round if it was raised on the flop and you haven't improved the hand and someone bets before you.
If everyone checks on the flop you can bet on the turn even if you have nothing. Your opponents will often fold in such a situation, unless they are too many or too loose.
You can sometimes bluff-bet if the flop contains an ace. Your opponents will often fold in such a situation if they don't have any pairs or an open ended straight, because it's impossible for them to have any overcards when the flop contains an ace. Please note that this will only work if your opponents aren't too many or too loose.
If someone suddenly bets into you or raises, and you are considering folding, be sure to first look at the amount of chips that the player has in front of him. If he is out of chips it's likely that he is bluff raising/betting because he knows he will go all-in on that hand anyway.