SycoSteve wrote:
Hey guys, just browsing,
i was laughing alot at some of the sillyness and rediculous redundancy in this thread but, well towards the end I became sort of discouraged.
Funny that I didnt become discouraged until i read the most complete responce to the most prevailant question.
oh and
That along with the "weeks" thing is definitely discouraging.
I fully get what you guys are doing 'n agree but, geez it sounds alot like work.
I dont like most sports, I mean i do but i dont really have enough interest in them to do any meaningful postings. i dunno, its a good deal i spose,
the idea that i could get in on one site 'n still have "weeks" to wait for access to another sites fr is a bummer.
I could be dead in a week, lol. or in jail, or rich, or have my computer crash, er anything, lol. I'm trying, 'n i hope whatever posts I have made have been helpful ( noone ever reps me though :/ )
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Well, it looks like someone who was questioning the system and the amount of "work" required just got upgraded. Welcome to the fraternity, Lake. . .😄[/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]
Now, please just promise that you are actually going to attend the games unlike so many of the others who wanted upgrades and now never show up. . .[/FONT]
I know everyone on here is prolly sick of people coming on here and asking where is the password, I didn't get it can someone give it to me. I totally understand why you guys do what u do because a lot of people come on here and only want to get the password and don't care about the site. I know it goes by posts, but I was wondering if their was a way I could tell if I hit the magic number of posts. I post in a lot of forums and I would love to get more involved with ixgames because it seems like you guys are doing a lot of great things here and I would love to be here for the ride! I usually only play on bodog, but it would be nice to get free chances to play at other sites to see what they have without depositing money to those accounts. Thanks guys and best of luck in your poker futures!
There is NO password.
You have to be pre registered and if you look around the forum you will see info and answers to the questions related to post / active member etc.