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Split pots

Do you see split pots very often during your visits to sites? I saw it for the first time recently two players shared when they both had flushes and started wondering whether it happens that often?
Join: 2007/03/20 Messages: 25
Shane wrote: Hi
Do you see split pots very often during your visits to sites? I saw it for the first time recently two players shared when they both had flushes and started wondering whether it happens that often?
I have seen it happen a few times in certain card games but never been involved in a game were it has happened. To get two players to the point of the them trusting a flush to win is pretty good!
Join: 2007/02/11 Messages: 118
Wayne68 wrote: I have seen it happen a few times in certain card games but never been involved in a game were it has happened. To get two players to the point of the them trusting a flush to win is pretty good!
I find split pots a more frequent if you know who you are playing with. Learning how people play games you get to know who will try to bluff and may lead more people to go for the win with lesser hands.
Join: 2007/03/22 Messages: 14
Snake Eyes wrote: I find split pots a more frequent if you know who you are playing with. Learning how people play games you get to know who will try to bluff and may lead more people to go for the win with lesser hands.
I've not seen many shared pots but I generally spend only a few hours online each week playing. As long as you are winning something I guess it is hard to complain.
Join: 2007/03/20 Messages: 30

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