2012/08/14 10:01
Manne wrote:
The Poker Players Alliance (PPA) has been very busy trying to ensure that U.S. Full Tilt players will be fully repaid and also pushing for federal legislation.
While the rumor mill keeps churning in regards to whether Full Tilt players from the U.S. can expect their full account balances to be reimbursed by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) or just the amount they deposited at the former 2nd-ranked online poker site, the PPA has been diligently involved in working on the players’ behalf to secure full repayment as well as lobbying for federal legislation.
The PPA wrote a letter late last week to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section of the DoJ and offered assistance in the still undetermined remission process in order to facilitate full repayment of U.S. players. The missive was written by attorney Marc J. Zwillinger of the law firm ZwillGen PLLC on behalf of the PPA and promised the establishment of "a streamlined, victim-friendly process" to ensure that players’ frozen accounts as of Full Tilt’s shutdown last year be paid in full.
The main reasons cited for players to be made whole are that the settlement was brokered with full reimbursement as its intent, PokerStars was permitted to fully reimburse players following Black Friday with no arguments from the DoJ that this was impermissible, and that all non-U.S. players will receive their entire account balances when Full Tilt relaunches in November. Zwillinger’s letter also points out that players the world over were victims of deceit perpetrated by Full Tilt despite being assured that their funds were secure.
Read More: PPA Working Overtime For Full Tilt Players