SycoSteve wrote:
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Yeah, that's not terribly unusual especially if it's getting late in a tournament. Once they lose a good portion of their stack -- and maybe become a short or near short stack -- they just take their shot at doubling with any 2 cards 'cause they're basically giving up but can't bring themselves to either rebuild or just sit out. If you've got them well covered it might be worth trying to pick up the rest of their chips. But beware, sometimes hands come in runs and Mr./Ms. Tilt might just catch a big enough hand after the one that set them off. . .[/FONT]
when u see a player thats just lost a big stack and is on tilt it's always a good time to get chips
i was playing tonight and a guy lost about 7k out of his 10k stack
next hand i had someting like Q10 but had a fair idea he would shove i raised about 4 bb to 1600
of course he shoved....i called
he had 3 6 joy for him
i got 2 pair and won well
my point is watch for tilting players in tourneys .....they will shove with nothing for some reason
lesson to learn here! calm down if you are tilting STOP and THINK....there is a way back
also if villian shove on tilt MIGHT be worth a call!