Poker Orifice wrote:
Not only are you shortstacked but you have less than 3 'M'. 6-6 is a definite shove from mid. position even,.. you're counting on still having some fold equity here so a shove is the play without a doubt.
Just unlucky from sb vs. bb.
On a reasonably tight final table (with decent players), 8-To is actually considered the lowest value of hand that you'd be wanting to make the allin shove with while in the 'Red Zone' (less than 5 'M',... 'M' being the total cost in chips for one orbit (ie. sb + bb + antes)).
I really don't think shoving 6-6 from mid. is a 'marginal' play at all. What kind of hand would one be waiting for in the Red Zone??... would you wait till your stack is so small that you no longer have any fold equity😟 This is a rookie-ish play by someone not overly familiar with final table play.
GL next time,.. .shit happens.