CRAZYBEAR22 wrote:
Sooooooooooooooooo..... You look down and there they are; AA as your starting hand. According to the odds you will win with AA 80% to 90% of the time depending on how many players are in the hand. Well, I'm here to say pocket Aces owe me some wins! Last week I got beat 5 times holding pocket AA to; a Flush, 2 pair, trips, a straight and a full house.
I could and should have avoided some of these beats. First and foremost you have to have an effective pre-flop strategy and, use care so that you do not “slow play” yourself into a loss.
The reason I'm writing this is to remind us all that while AA is a great hand you still have to play it correctly. It certainly CAN and WILL be beaten from time to time, particularly these days when so many players stay in with Flush and straight draws. AA is hard to lay down, but a great lay down that keeps you from the rail is far better than winning a few hundred chips if it helps you get to a final table!
LOL to All! Welcome: