2009/11/25 21:50
Poker Orifice wrote:
Later on in tournaments, the players are more tighter so they can reach the money. At the beginning of the tournament you have alot of donks playing and dont really care. Once the money hits, people tend to become more looser because they have already made the money. A real stealer is someone who can recognize the people at their table. I know I can raise with nothing because the players at the table are not donks and are not going to call me with nothing. If I get re-raised, then I usually fold. But those chips I just lost in that hand I will get back in 3 steals. Only try to steal if you have table chip lead or 2nd chip lead at the table. Never try to steal blinds by pushing all-in or raising more then 5-10% of your stack. Those tactics work for me, but they may not work for you.
Well I don't know if this is much help to ya... but just about everything this guy ^^ has written, I 'disagree' with. So... I guess you can take it from there.
In tournaments (decent ones) you'll often get on a table where alot of the players actually become much more aggresive as the blinds increase (as they become much more worth going after.. & also becomes crucial if you hope to maintain your stack at all).
If you're on a table that has a couple/few particularly aggressive blind stealers..... look instead to doing a 're-steal' (esp. if your stack size has fallen to ~14-22bb's... sometimes larger than this... depending upon the tournament structure... I'm assuming a typical online tournament here though... some of the 1500chip private ones though, the avg. stack will actually only be ~12-15bb's.. so you can vary things accordingly). Anyways.. back to the resteal.... if a guy is raising in LatePostion quite frequently, look to pick a spot to 'resteal'... you can do this with a hand that will have potential for hitting a flop decently (ie. T9s). When he opens in late position for 2.5x (or 3x) out a 3bet to 10-11x... or even just fire it allin if your stack size has fallen down to a resteal sized stack (15-24bb). When doing so, make sure your opponent won't be priced in to call. You'll find most of the time villain will end up laying it down (just don't overuse it and try to pick your spots... sometimes you'll run into a hand but even then you'll still have potential to take it down).
As far as stealing blinds goes..... (and if your table is particularly tight.. or fairly tight).. look to go after the med-sized stacks... ones who are trying to make it into the money. DON'T make the mistake (I see way too often) of going after the shortest stacks... < these guys will often be (or should be) in desperation mode... and may likely pull a stop 'n go' (flat the preflop raise with intentions of shoving on any flop)... or just fire it allin pre (as sometimes w blinds & antes, just putting out the bb basically prices them in). Look to attack the players who are in ok position (stack size wise) and won't want to be jeopardizing the shape they're in by getting involved in a pot with a marginal hand (but also pay attention to those who just don't even seem to be stack size aware... << many of those out there too).
If you're unable to find spots to steal because you're on a particularly aggressive table (ie. the player to your immediate right seems to almost always be getting it in before you preflop).... then a resteal every once in awhile will enable you to pick up more chips than a typical preflop steal... although it can be more of a risk obviously.
In my recent games, after reaching a specific stage, all the ppl suddenly started playing very differently, i mean they all started raising preflop very aggressively..
How to deal with this 😟
And under what circumstances, i can try to steal blinds😟