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2nd Place Finish at Private Tourney 07-31-10



Finished 2nd out of 21 for $12. This was a reward freeroll for finishing in the top of the league there.

In that hand with the Str8 flush.... He was pretty short stacked so I called with the suited 5,2. He pushed all in after the flop.. had to call with that drawing hand! LOL!:1orglaugh
Join: 2008/12/12 Messages: 189
datsme53 wrote: embeded-image


Finished 2nd out of 21 for $12. This was a reward freeroll for finishing in the top of the league there.

In that hand with the Str8 flush.... He was pretty short stacked so I called with the suited 5,2. He pushed all in after the flop.. had to call with that drawing hand! LOL!:1orglaugh
Nice finish I have not played at absolute how user friendly is the site?. Do they also host freerolls?. Freerollbird OOps I just looked at the game screen shot and see it was a fr league.
Join: 2010/04/18 Messages: 181
freerollbird wrote: Nice finish I have not played at absolute how user friendly is the site?. Do they also host freerolls?. Freerollbird OOps I just looked at the game screen shot and see it was a fr league.
Nice finish I have not played at absolute how user friendly is the site?. Do they also host freerolls?. Freerollbird OOps I just looked at the game screen shot and see it was a fr league.

Absolute poker is the same network as ultimate bet and they also run bad beat jackpot tables. It all comes down to taste. I prefer UB before AP though mostly because of the graphics but the rest is the same.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 2120
ixgames wrote: Nice finish I have not played at absolute how user friendly is the site?. Do they also host freerolls?. Freerollbird OOps I just looked at the game screen shot and see it was a fr league.

Absolute poker is the same network as ultimate bet and they also run bad beat jackpot tables. It all comes down to taste. I prefer UB before AP though mostly because of the graphics but the rest is the same.
Nice win dats ,and congrats on the league finish as well.
Join: 2009/07/05 Messages: 148

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