herakles665 wrote:
I must be a mini junior member, because I'm very, very unactive.
What do tou want me to write about; my ateistic inagreement whit the Big Bang theory. I belive in an eternal plasma-universe. And I'm sick of these christian astronomers who will not even discuss the possibility that there has never been such a thing as a big bang. It's just a new way of formulating a creaton theory. this entity that preseeds the big bang, they can't explain the first nano or pico-seconds. And where should such an entity be placed. There are no such thing as posisioning in an eternal universe; you only have distance and time when you have other objects(stars,nebulae) to refere to.
I hope my english was not to bad, and that this will at least make me a super junior member๐ก
Best regards Bjarne ๐