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LBA (Lega Basket Serie A) or simply Serie A Basketball league have pretty sad story. Italian league used to be one of the best leagues in the Europe but after Siena Montepaschi collapsed, Italy basketball league downgraded by a lot. By far the best Italian team Milano AX Armani is clear underdogs in Euroleague and cannot get from the bottom. Although, Italy basketball has a lot of surprises and big names does not mean big wins. tipsters can always see a few steps ahead and best betting picks can show you that with the big budget you do not have guaranteed title.

Brescia - Virtus Bologna

Kentukyo 0 03/25 19:00 Πριν από 1 μήνες

EA7 Emporio Armani - Napoli Basket

faster 0 03/24 18:00 Πριν από 1 μήνες

Reggio Emilia - Varese

faster 0 03/17 15:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Virtus Bologna - Olimpia Milano

Stabdys 0 03/10 17:15 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Varese - Brindisi

faster 0 03/10 16:00 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Derthona Basket - Generazione Vincente Cuore Napoli

Stabdys 0 03/10 15:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

EA7 Emporio Armani - Varese

faster 0 03/03 16:00 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Napoli Basket - Treviso

faster 0 03/03 11:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Napoli - Treviso

krulis11 0 03/03 11:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες

Reggio Emilia - Trento

faster 0 03/02 19:30 Πριν από 2 μήνες